JW Murdered in MN because Daughter Wouldn't Date Wacko

by Rejected 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Rejected



    Police: Murder Suspect Planned More Killings
    Jul 18, 2008 11:20 pm US
    NEW BRIGHTON, Minn. (WCCO) ? There are new details in the case of a New Brighton
    mother murdered while protecting her daughter. Police said 21-year-old Corey Gaustad
    tried to kill a 17-year-old girl because she wouldn't date him. Instead, he shot and
    killed her mother.
    Gaustad was in the Ramsey County Jail Friday night charged with second degree murder
    and second degree attempted murder. Details released Friday afternoon show the girl
    was not the only one Gaustad planned to kill.
    Police said Gaustad had a plan that involved killing not just the girl who refused to date
    him, but her mother, grandmother, father and co-workers.
    In the criminal complaint released by Ramsey County, Gaustad told police he thought
    the girl and her mother were driving to the Rosedale Shopping Center to go to Hollister
    Co., a clothing store where the girl had worked. Gaustad told police that if they had
    gone into the store, his plan was to "kill the girl, her co-workers, and any customers."
    When they did not go to Rosedale, Gaustad went to their house and waited for them.
    When they came home later, Gaustad approached them with a handgun. "It appears that
    the mother probably saved her daughter's life," said John Ellickson, Deputy Director of
    New Brighton Public Safety. "She got out of the car, got between him and the daughter,
    and was shot and the daughter ran and was shot at again by the suspect." The girl was
    not shot. She told police that she met Gaustad four years ago at a local church. In the
    criminal complaint, the girl said that a few months ago she told Gaustad she no longer
    wanted to date him because he was showing violent tendencies. "He thought that they
    had a relationship with the daughter of the woman," said Ellickson. "The daughter's
    indicating it was social, nothing more than that. It appears that he was distraught over
    not being able to be -- have a relationship with this girl."
    Police said that Gaustad recently got a permit to purchase firearms and bought a
    handgun on July 10 and another July 13.
    Friday evening, customers who shop at Hollister said Gaustad's plan was disturbing to
    hear. "Shocking, scary, it's sad that you can't even go to a public place and feel safe
    nowadays. Schools, malls, grocery stores, it's depressing too. It's really sad," said
    Rosedale shopper Cinta Preston.
    The girl's mother has been identified as Christine Nguyen of New Brighton.
    Neighbors said the family was kind; just a husband, wife and daughter. They belonged
    to the local Jehovah's Witness Church and home schooled the girl.
    Court documents say when Gaustad approached Nguyen and her daughter at their
    home, he yelled at the girl "Why did you break up with me." He also told police that he
    shot Nguyen in the abdomen because he had heard that it was a more painful way to
    When police arrested Gaustad in a Rochester hotel room early this morning, they found
    two handguns and ammunition. They also found an apparent "hit list." Underneath the
    name Chrstine Nguyen the word "success" was written. Written underneath the names of
    the girl, her grandmother, and another 17-year-old male friend was the word "failed."
    "He has admitted the shooting. Waved his rights to an attorney and admitted the
    shooting," said Ellickson.
    The Columbia Heights Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses said Christine Nguyen was a
    member of their congregation. On Friday they released a statement saying "They are
    deeply saddened by the tragic events that took place and they expressed sympathy for
    Nguyen's family."
    Police would like to thank a good samaritan who saw the girl running after her mother
    was shot. They said that person got the girl to a phone and helped her call police.
    (© MMVIII, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

  • Satanus

    'She told police that she met Gaustad four years ago at a local church.'

    Which church? Was it a kinghall?


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea that is a note worthy detail. Where did she meet this guy?

  • Mary
    'She told police that she met Gaustad four years ago at a local church.' Which church? Was it a kinghall?

    Since it states that they were Witnesses, I'll assume this f**king wacko was also a Witness and that she met him at the Hall. Quite often when the papers print a story like this, they always refer to the congregation as "church", simply because it's a more common phrase.

    With that said, since this little prick has admitted killing this girl's mother and is an obvious danger to society, they should just take the little bastard out back and shoot him---end of story.

  • wednesday


    yes whatever we can do to remove him from the gene pool.

  • garybuss

    The article wrote: "Police would like to thank a good samaritan . . . "

    SIDEBAR: Samaritans were apostates. Isn't it interesting that the apostates of Jewish legend end up to be synonymous with good doers?

    My condolences to the friends and families of all involved. Very sad.

  • Pistoff

    When I was growing up in Minnesota, there were Gaustads in my local congregation. I wonder if he is related.

  • MeneMene

    J-ex-W mentioned this last week - http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/9/162404/1.ashx

    There is also another thread linked in that one. She said the perp (Corey) was a regular pioneer.

  • StAnn

    This is so sad. The perp was a pioneer? Makes you think twice about confronting the JWs who come to your door! You might get shot for disagreeing with them.

    I can't help but wonder if the perp was discouraged by the local elders from seeking the psychiatric help he so obviously needed. If so, they are culpable as well.


  • J-ex-W
    I can't help but wonder if the perp was discouraged by the local elders from seeking the psychiatric help he so obviously needed. If so, they are culpable as well.

    I also wonder if the Nguyen family was discouraged from mentioning to anyone else in the congregation that Corey had been stalking them. The JW's have a nasty habit of covering over domestic abuse situations by telling the victims that it would be slander, causing divisions in the congregations, and bringing reproach on Jehovah's name to turn to outside authorities or to warn other JW's about the offenders' behavior.


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