Does anyone have a scan of the public WT that can be shared?
September 2008 WT request
by CharlieBrownsLovelyDaughter 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
I do. But it's at home......I'll try and remember to scan it this afternoon if you like. Which article do you want?
I am looking for "Our Readers Ask".
Here ya go:
I read the QRF and had to roll my eyes at the typical 'justification' the Borg churns out on matters that to them, are life and death.
They always whine about how a "superstition" rose amongst the Jews about pronouncing God's name and led to their abandoning it altogether. They never bother to ask why the Jews did not say God's name but it was in accord with the seventh Commandment that:
"...You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name...."
To use the Almighty's personal name, the same way as you would Tom, Dick or Harry (or in their case, Abraham, Isaac or Jacob), would be showing the utmost disrespect for God and would be a direct violation of the Commandment above. They therefore, substituted "God" or "Lord" instead.
Since using God's name "in a worthless way" was punishable by death under Jewish law, and since Jesus was a Jew himself, I find it very unlikely that he went around purposely promoting God's name and encouraging everyone else to use it. While Jesus was no stranger to controversy, it is apparent through reading the scriptures that although he did not agree with the way the Pharisees ran things, he was still respectful of his Jewish heritage, went to the synogogue, observed the Holy Days, etc. If Jehovah wanted everyone to use his name on a daily basis, why did He not let mankind know what His name was "from the beginning"?
Exodus 6:3 says: "....And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty, but as respects my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them..."
And why, if He wanted everyone to use his name on a daily basis, did he specifically tell them in the seventh commendment not to use His name in a "worthless way", or "in vain"?
"...You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name...."
Mary, about how pissed do you think our Lord is right now?
Justitia Themis
"The first-century Christians were called a people for God's name."
Yes, they were CHRISTians.
chicken little
The September 08 public watchtower has a question from readers that tries to explain why we do not know the way in which Gods name was pronounced. I think it is odd that they say that Jesus would have used Gods name, obviously correctly, to his disciples. Then how come those disciples didnt write it down correctly in the language that they used at the time? Greek. How come the scriptures were written in greek and yet there is no attempt as with Jehovah to make a name that sounds like JHWH? Odd.
The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation printed: "The first-century Christians were called a people for God's name."
Dud! That name might have been "Christ". Here's how it may read: The first-century Christians were called a people for "Christ's" name. Make sense? -
Octarine Prince
I don't know of ANY god without a name.
Do you?