Anybody hear anything special about it ? Was talking to a witness last night and he mentioned there was some significance to next years memorial in regard to the 1975 date or there about that ended mans six thousand years from creation and now it has something also to do with jesus 33.5 years on earth . Just curious for more info that may be out there as this person suggested that the remaining remnant were very excited about it..........
memorial 2009
by heathen 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
1975.75 (October) + 33.5 = 2009.25 (putting it in the spring of 2009)
It's private speculation. The WTS hasn't used such reasoning since the early part of the 20th century.
*** jv chap. 28 p. 632 Testing and Sifting From Within ***Based on the premise that events of the first century might find parallels in related events later, they also concluded that if Jesus’ baptism and anointing in the autumn of 29 C.E. paralleled the beginning of an invisible presence in 1874, then his riding into Jerusalem as King in the spring of 33 C.E. would point to the spring of 1878 as the time when he would assume his power as heavenly King. They also thought they would be given their heavenly reward at that time.
There will be a special tract campaign. Well, they have one pretty much every year, so not sure how it's 'special' anymore...
He was going on about allot of stuff such as drawing parallels to adam being 33.5 when he sinned and jesus being 33.5 when he died for sins. (there's no way of knowing how old adam was)That's allot of speculation going on and I thought the WTBTS warned them against speculation and they will get their info strictly from the org. I personally don't have a problem with people giving opinions but they do need to make clear it's only an opinion not something carved in ink and paper in brooklyn .HE HE get it like carved in stone? Thanks for the info blondie , can always count on you to contribute in huge ways.
Hi Heathen!
It is about the correspondence of the ransom. Gordon Ritchie of told the GB from 1993 to 1995 and time and again since then, that Jesus' perfect life corresponded in it's length with Adam's perfect life. So to cut it short, Adam sinned and started to die 33,5 years old just as Jesus died without sin 33,5 years old.
That means that the "founding of the world" was 3993 or 3992BC and 6000 years to that would lead you to 2008 or 2009. In addition, Jesus would have died "dead on" in the centre of the Abrahamic Covenant, 1975 years after it was made. And 1975 years after the founding of the church would be 2008.
I know from sources that those ideas were especially cherished by Dan Sydlik and are still "taught" or at least "discussed" in Gilead.
We will know soon,
Phil -
phillipus - sounds like the jw was a little confused himself when discussing it with me , he stated that it is all relevant to 1975 being six thousand years and he did mention abrahams test being significant , I'm guessing Isaac can now be considered to have been 33.5 years old during that episode? , he also went on that jewish men were not considered adults until they reach 30yrs. of age according to mosaic law of which I don't recall where it is at .Anyway all info is welcome . I would be surprised if the WTBTS used material from the "apostate" religionists .
The WTS says this about Isaac's age (25):
*** w94 3/15 p. 29 The Fascinating Chronicles of Josephus ***In TheJewishAntiquities, Josephus adds interesting detail to the Biblical account. He says that "Isaac was twenty-five years old" when Abraham bound him hand and foot for sacrifice.
(AntiquitiesoftheJews, Book I, chap. XIII, par. 2)
Awakened at Gilead
What proof is there in the Bible that Jesus was 33.5 years old when he died?
I don't see it....
Another twist in the pretzel to get the rank and file salivating.
Now why would the WTBTS look to josephus for the answer? , he obviously wasn't alive at the time and only had biblical sources to work with and him not being "anointed" wouldn't add anything worth bringing up. I can bet on one thing and that is there will be a record number of people at next years memorial .