jwtalk...wow. just...wow.

by HeyThere 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HeyThere
    So I was lurking on jwtalk after trying to read the thread on there about the broadcast about the conti case...and holy moly there are some bat ish crazy talk on that site! They also blocked the thread about the broadcast, lol! They are scuuuuured (scared). How many of you are members on jwtalk?
  • scary21

    You are so right.


    So I was lurking on jwtalk after trying to read the thread on there about the broadcast about the conti case...and holy moly there are some bat ish crazy talk on that site! They also blocked the thread about the broadcast, lol!

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  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters
    Have you any examples of the bat-sh*t crazy talk?
  • sparrowdown
    JWs talking = batshit crazy talk😨
  • konceptual99

    There is alot of talk about how Conti is just driven by greed to pursue the WTS and not Kendrick. How she is following an apostate agenda. How her story is not backed up by her parents or anyone else in the congregation. How Lett has warned against being influenced by these apostate backed lies.

    There are some sympathisers but going anywhere near suggesting that Conti is entitled to pursue her case is prompting accusations of supporting apostates. You have to tread very carefully on there...

  • Kanon
    There is alot of talk about how Conti is just driven by greed to pursue the WTS and not Kendrick. How she is following an apostate agenda.

    Most of these do not know she sued for a small amount, the goal was to change policy to protect others. After examining the evidence the jury awarded the large sum of money. From the start she did not have financial gain in mind.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters
    Thank you, K-99
  • blondie
    They don't say she's lying about the abuse...do they? So how did the court system determine his guilt? Do they deny that? So a rape victim should not cry out?
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Hey too bad censorship is so heavy on a JW site but it's great that they can't keep this one hid.

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