Everytime I think I want to go back to the Borg, all I have to do is watch Jim Jones no pun intended, lie like like the sack he is and then I lose all desire to come crawling back to the cult. He is a company man if I ever seen one, it would be neat to see him wake up and smell the cat food. Poor Sabrina had to go through that shit, her ex-husband Leonard is such a Pud.
Check out this lying Elder...
by amama2six 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Oh my gods... I just read ALamb's post that Aude posted and I am torn to bits.
Absolutely torn to bits. -
I'm the poster and the mom.
I haven't been on the board but got a pm to check out the thread.
Yes, it's all true.
My daughters were scared of dying at Armageddon if they went with me.
Bottom line: They're still active JW's but I refused to be shunned. They just spent the weekend camping with me! So after all the court actions, love wins. I still have the court orders and help other ex-JW's with custody cases. The judge condemned all of it and saw through the lies. But it's only a piece of paper.
Thanks for all the support to all my friends on here. You have been TRUE FAMILY
I could tell the judge wasn't buying it...I'm so glad you are actively refusing to be shunned by your children and get to spend quality time with them still! *Hugs*