g'day from the other ozzie state - NZ. (Auckland to be precise)
Anyone from Down Under?
by ID Crisis 26 Replies latest jw friends
The Lone Ranger
hi there..
I am also still an active JW.... and I have read the COC Book
I am from Melbourne
Wow - there must be something in the water....I'm in Sydney and I'm smiling too. Welcome aboard newbies...how cute - I can call someone else a newbie now. aaawww ..... I'm all warm and fuzzy inside.
Welcome all
I'm in south coast NSW
Hello and welcome,
We are all still here 94 yrs. after 1914, 33 after 1975.
Witchettygrub -
We are all still here 94 yrs. after 1914, 33 after 1975.
...and a whole lot happier after we discovered the real truth.
Hi and welcome,I`m from melb/.bris./now in gippsland