You know how there are somethings that give you so much pleasure or joy? It doesn't have to be anything amazing or huge, but for some reason it makes you so happy for those few moments. Some of mine are drinking coffee in the morning with my best friend at work, and the smell of an open fire (it reminds me of being a young child at my grandparents' house). What are yours?
Small joys
by heybaby 29 Replies latest jw experiences
I have tons of Bee Balm by my gate in my backyard. 2 days ago I was on my way out and saw of female Ruby Throated Hummingbird. I stood like a statue for over 5 mins. She buzzed all around the flowers getting each one. She came within in an arm's length of me. What a thrill!!!!!
I'm a real nature girl so just about anything non-human thrills me.
I have loads of itty bitty baby toads in my yard. It takes forever to mow because I have to look for them, stop and carry them to another part of the yard. They are just so CUTE!!!
That's adorable Mandette!! You sound like you are a very good hearted person
At this point in time a small joy is getting on my bike, stop by the Ottawa river, sit on a rock with my feet in the cold water.
Or waiting for the imminent birth of 2 turtledove babies in my front porch hanging basket.
And so many more daily small joys...
I try.....
I'm involved in animal rescue groups. I've actually got to pet a Mountain Lion at one of the rescues that I volunteer at. I about ran in circles and widdled on myself I was so excited.
Snakes, toads, frogs..I love them all!
I even rescued a box turtle off the road a few days ago!!
It doesn't' take much to make me smile... the little unexpected things in life... also totally enjoy my first cup of coffee in the morning.
You and I are alot alike in the trying to save even the smallest creatures.. For me, even some insects... LOL.
I posted this on another thread a couple of days ago, "I was spellbound" :
I saw the "second" hummingbird of my life yesterday...!!! Saw my first when I was 6 years old, and never again..
At first, I thought it was a large bee, (I'm allergic) so watched it closer...then it dawned on me that it was a bird, darting in and out of my petunias.
I was so excited...but afraid to even blink and scare it off. Amazing.
Sometimes it's just the "Little Things" that keeps us going......
I will try to save spiders in my house.....LOL....I know that's crazy but I just can't bear to kill even insects without a reason. I won't use any pesticides in my yard unless my house is in danger. Of course I have to maintain that.
And I'd be goofy with delight if I could have turtledove babies in my hanging baskets! Summer, that has to be up there with sliced bread!
And Casper, when I was a kid my dad and I were in a local business that was all glass. A hummingbird had gotten in and banged against the window until his energy gave out. I was able (at 10 yrs of age) to gently pick it up and put it in a brown bag. We took him outside and let him go. He flew up into a tree stopped on a branch and looked back at us. I like to think he was saying thanks.
When I have stale crackers or old fruit I put it on the porch to feed the racoons, possums and whatever else. And I feed the outdoor kitties that might wander through. Yep I'm goofy!!!!!
I take a lot of flack from people at work for being like this. But I don't care. Their lives are just not as nice if they aren't looking around at the critters, flowers, trees, stars etc.
(having a terrible time with formatting today)
I will try to save spiders in my house.....LOL....
Me TOO...!! I use the glass and paper plate method....LOL
I feed everything, nothing is wasted, since I know something out there will like it.
So Cool to know I'm not the only one...
I have no idea why this is in RED....
every sunday evening we make a run to the dairy,
my youngest kid and i... it costs $8.25 to get
3 gallons of milk.... and $2 for a quart of ice cream.....we had the $$ for the milk but i couldnt justify
a trip to the ATM for a luxury item so i said to
my kid..... i'll look in the "change jar" in the car
to see if there is enough to get you an ice cream
sandwich.....when i popped the top off the container>>>>>
there were TWO $1 bills!!!!i was accused of being the village idiot,
so delighted was my reaction......i told my kid.....
if you can delight in simple things
your life will never be boringrandy pausch said we have to decide
if we will spend life as tigger or eeyoretiggers are wunnerful things!