Hi All,
I've been lurking here for a while, reading and learning.
I'm not JW, nor have I ever been. Recently however, my younger brother (he's 25 years old) began dating a girl (she's 27) who is JW. She has succeeded in completely converting him, to the point where any discussion about JW turns into a screaming match. It doesn't matter who in our family brings it up, what we say, etc. He just ends up getting very angry. Tells us we don't respect him for "finding the truth" and how all we do is "put him down". He uses the Bible to further his arguments, and says things like "do you not understand what it says in Matthew 21:12" and "show me where in the bible it says we should celebrate Christmas".
My brother, although he isn't stupid, has always been easily led by others. This girl found a good guy that has the same ethnic background (very important for us) and completely took control. I'm not sure how long after they started dating she told him she was JW.
Any advice on how I/we can convince him to leave her and JW behind??