The Society teaches that once the New Order is up and running, we will achieve perfection as Adam and Eve once were. If thats the case, why do they portray folks in the New Order as fully clothed? I thought clothing was the result of sin, so once sin is eliminated, should not clothing be also?
Clothing in the New Order
by donny 24 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Zombie
Well, they can't quite draw nude pics now can they?
Therefore, if the WTBTS is accurate, and why wouldn't it be since it is transmitted from Jehovah via the FDS so you know you can take it to the bank, everyone will be wearing their KH clothes.
Ladies, save all your skirts, dresses, and pantyhose! You'll be doing farming in high heels.
Now that would be funny if the WTBTS decided to have everybody nude in their books and Watchtower magazines. I could picture a few eyebrows being raised!
Can't have everyone all nakie in the literature. Even if Jehoover said it would be so, they'd have everyone cover up anyway.
Apparently, perfect factories don't create pollution when they manufacture the plastic lawn chairs and beach balls you see in the Paradise Erf pics.
Actually, I asked this question while still an active jw. That would bring up the question, would there be snow, cold, making it necessary to wear clothing. I never got a straight answer.
But this quote seems to indicate the WTS expects people to be wearing clothing in the "paradise."
*** w00 10/1 p. 5 Eternal Happiness—In Heaven or on Earth? ***Additionally, mankind will have no causes for anxiety about food, clothing, shelter, and employment—the lack of which today drives some into a life of crime. Yes, the entire earth will be transformed into a productive paradise with an abundance for all.—Isaiah 65:21-23; Luke 23:43.
May you have peace! I would like to respond, if I may. Thank you!
To know the answer to this matter accurately, you must understand that the purpose of clothing is to hide "nakedness," and that "nakedness" occurs in two forms: physical and spiritual.
Physical nakedness means the exposure of "unsightly"... and "dishonorable"... members of the physical body... whatever such members may be at the given time. In previous eras, women's hands were considered "dishonorable" and so were covered with gloves when in public. Women's legs were hidden because of the "dishonorable" reaction... and inclinations... they were deemed to assert in men. Heads were covered (and in some instances, still are) by both men and women... because it was/is considered "dishonorable" to pray with them uncovered. Until recently, feet were considered "unsightly" by the conservatives of western society and so hose, socks, shoes, etc., were almost mandatory. Genitalia have pretty much always been deemed "dishonorable"... and "unsightly"... for both of their dual purposes (elimination; sex). Because of this, earthling man puts on physical clothing.
(Please note, the above is an explanation of what physical "nakedness" is and why we do cover what we cover... and when. There are, of course, exceptions, including those who cover only for protection from the elements (but virtually still cover the genitalia after a certain age), and those who believe physical clothing should be kept at a minimum, if not eliminated altogether. )
Spiritual nakedness means the exposure of "unsightly" and "dishonorable" THOUGHTS... the inclinations of the HEART. When God clothed Adham and Eve... it was NOT with animal skins (dear ones, had that been the case, an animal would have had to be killed - such sacrifices were not required, not just yet, not until AFTER they were put out of Eden). He clothed them with [a long garment of] SKIN... what we have now... that which contains veins and nerves... and OUR blood... and covers our bones and sinews. He did this because, by means of doing what they did (choosing to obey Satan and Death)... what was IN them was now MANIFEST... open and exposed... for ALL to see, including the spirit beings: the spiritual adultery, uncleanliness... and lack of love [for God]... that was IN them... was now able to be seen by the angels, and each other. These are among the things that "come OUT of a man." Because these things were unsightly... as to the SPIRIT... God mercifully COVERED them... "clothed" Adham and Eve... so that any others who may look upon them, including angels... each other... their children... would not SEE their "unsightliness."
This is one of the differences between us, earthling man... and spirit beings: for spirit beings... NOTHING is hidden. Nothing. For US... almost everything is hidden: what we truly are... what we truly think... what we truly feel... what is truly IN us... is hidden. By the flesh. It is not manifest... until it comes OUT of us... until we literally "give birth" to the sin. It is hidden, however, only from angels and one another; it is NOT hidden from God or Christ. Which is why Christ made the statement that all a man has to do is look at a woman so as to have relations with her... and he has committed adultery in his heart.
Some teach that it is not a sin until an act has actually occurred. They do this because of rationalizing their own sin as well as that of others: if I/we haven't done it, I/we have not actually sinned... and, therefore, can't judge... or be judged. That is NOT true, but it makes sense with some because WE cannot discern what is "in" another person until some act manifests itself. With God and Christ, however, that is absolutely NOT the case. NOTHING is hidden from them. What we SHOULD do... is acknowledge our own sin... whether it is manifest or not... and forgive others for theirs (because that is what we want them to do for ours). Then... NOTHING is hidden... from God OR man. But because earthling man more often than not doesn't forgive one another... and doesn't want others to know what they truly are... think... and feel... they "hide" from one another... and think they are also doing so from God and Christ, too. They are not.
Angels have "white robes"... spirit bodies (made of bones, sinews and "flesh" with GOD's blood). They are not covered with "skin" such as we are... so what they are... what they think... and feel... what is in THEM... is NOT hidden. Ever. In addition, their bodies do not have the "dishonorable" members we know as genitalia. They do not procreate and, although they do eat, they do not eliminate waste (their "food" is completely absorbed), so such body parts are not needed. Of those who would inherit the kingdom, my Lord is recorded to have said "they will be like the angels."
(Note: This does not mean that spirit beings don't have "unclean" thoughts - the Nephilim had such thoughts, but had to put on flesh... with all of its "dishonorable" parts... in order to have relations with the daughters of men they were thinking about. Unlike us, spirit beings (the ones that are still "free")... can put on... and put off... flesh. By means of this, they can enter and exit between the physical and spirit realms at will. We, unfortunately, are bound by our ]type of] flesh and so cannot enter into the spirit realm but are confined in this one.)
While I stated above that nothing is hidden from God, so that what we truly are... think... and feel... on the inside cannot be hidden from God... we CAN "cover"... and/or have our "unsightliness" and "dishonor" before Him... "covered." WE can cover it... by clothing ourselves with LOVE. For love covers... a multitude of trangressions. We can also have our uncleanliness and unsightliness covered... indeed WASH it... in the blood of the Lamb. These two things provide a "cover"... clothing... for our sins and errors.
In the New Order, therefore, the clothing that will be worn will be "white robes"... the white "outer garment"... that no longer has any stain or blemish because it has been washed clean ... in the blood of the Lamb. Like the angels, it will be the SPIRIT body... one that does not have sin... or death... in it... that has no "dishonorable" parts... all of its parts being used to honor and glorify God... Christ... and its fellow members (of the Body of Christ).
It will not be shirts, and pants, and skirts, and shoes... for "clean" bodies have no use for such things. There will be no procreation or elimination, thus no genital parts to cover. There will be no sickness, thus no sores or other unsightliness to hide. There will be no adulteries, murders, thieves, etc., thus no need to hide "dishonor." There will be no nakedness... of ANY kind... to cover.
I hope this helps and I bid you peace.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
Wow, the paradise sounds SO much more fun now!
I kid you not
When I was a young kid in the dub congregation, , let's say in the late 50's , it was commonly believed that we would eventually go back to nakedness, for the reasons that the original poster gave.
Not immediately of course, only when mankind had achieved perfection of body and mind. Then we would lose self consciousness about our "parts of shame".
Such beliefs made an impression on a small boy.. I was looking forward to my own pet lion too.
What really amused me was showing women in high heels in the new order. What kind of God would allow a woman to wear high heels knowing how uncomfortable and bad for your feet and legs they are.