All u bitches need to live in Athens...
My lesbian neighbors are driving me nuts!
by dawg 52 Replies latest watchtower medical
Not Feeling It
Circle jerk! Daaaaaymmmmmn.
Thread lock in 3... 2... 1...
-- Not Jerking It
// well, maybe.
Georgia or Greece. It doesn't matter- there's Lesbians There!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo, Lesbians!!!!!
What am I to do? I'm thinking about telling them to buzz off until they can both be true full and stop being violent. Hell, the butch one might be able to kick my ass! LOL! Should I tell them to leave me alone until they shape up, especially given the fact I don't want ti get involved? Should I call the police when they start their beatings? Damn, this is the first time I've had a neighbor I wished would move? what should I do?
Give them a copy of the April 8, 2005 ASLEEP! open to page 26
And then run home and lock your doors.
You guy are pervs!!!!!
Take picture of that circle jerk and send it to me.
Did somebody say "lesbians"?
Homerovah the Almighty
Find new friends Dawg, they don't sound like good people even if you think one looks hot.
Dikes can be low lives just like Fags ., coming from experience
Maybe you should put a dike around yourself to keep out the undesirables, they come in both sexes
I pictured this as what you meant at first. That they were kissing and fondling to tease you.
Anyway, just stay out of their lives. If someone's bar tab needs paying, don't pay it.
If someone asks you to lie, say NO. Don't go out of your way to be out of their lives, just
don't let them drag you into the middle of something (unless it's something you want to be in
the middle of like the photo above).You already know this. The fight they had and any more fights to come, don't take pity or sides
or provide comfort beyond normal human aid. -
You've already heard this from previous posters, but I'll add my 2c for what its worth, bud.
Suppose it was a straight couple cheating and beating on one another. What would you do? Would that make it any easier to decide?
The fact they're lesbians makes no difference. Just like any straight couple, they need to be good neighbors and good friends....or suffer the consequences.
If it was me, I'd sit them down and say look I'm your friend not your volleyball. You got problems between ya, deal with it, I'm not getting in the middle of your shit.
You hear 'em beating up each other, call the fucking cops like you would with any other disturbance in the 'hood. They don't have to know who called, and if they ask you, LIE and say what cops, oh no I was sound asleep, musta been the other neighbor. One visit, at the most two visits from the cops, and that situation will resolve itself real fast I think.
I know its hard to go through all this with people you obviously like or care about; but don't be the doormat or the punching bag, man. That wont help you or them in the long run.
BTW, I'm gay and been out for nearly 30 years now, had 3 long term relationships (one left, one died) and never once cheated on any of them. Yeah when I was single I been to the rodeo a few more times than that, but when you mention your "lovers" sounds like you have too, buddy!
But this is not a lesbian thing, it's a people thing. Take care of yourself, it's okay, you don't have to "save" your neighbors anymore, isn't that great!?
Some pretty good advice Tex...