So it's official my little channel of Tough Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses has made someone's little JW switch turn off. I got a private message today from an active Witness who both himself and his wife now say that "I now see that JW's are all about interpretation and not some special understanding". Figures that I'm almost done with the series too LOL, I've got one more update to do before my final question that I've come up with for the series. I guess here's to hoping that the views will keep going up and people will still keep asking questions, or at least look at themselves honestly.
1 Down 6 MILLION to go!!!
by Tuesday 12 Replies latest jw friends
sweet pea
Can you remind us of your link?
Actually that's two down...WTG!!! :D
Sure, the link is
Hopefully many more. I think my final question that I have planned is the hardest of them all, as long as people are being honest with themselves when they listen to it.
Not to burst your bubble or anything, but they claim to be nearing 7 million.
But good job with the 2 you were able to reach!
changeling :)
I looked at some of your youtube videos. Well done! They need to show some of these little 3 minute clips on TLC or the Discovery Channel. Very interesting.
You will never know for sure how many people you help to leave the cult. Someone who watches one of your videos today, may not have the courage to leave for years. But there will be that tough question hanging in the air. Good job!
Yeah, 45 babtised at the DC convention this weekend. And someone visiting our convention said that they had 75 at theirs. Sad!!!
Good video! Good job!