I've just noticed wrinkles on my hands.
Get the strongest alpha hydroxy product and use it on your hands daily and a good handcream. You will see a difference in a few weeks.
Freedom, your words touch my heart. You are a brave lady. You're a hardworking, hard loving, single mother. You're bettering yourself by going to school and setting a good example for your kids. Your time is gonna come. But meanwhile, remember what Carly Simon sang ,"And stay right here, 'cause these are the good old days:
I'm sure you are lovely. And for the record, I had feelings like you are having, at 41. It took three months to get through my mid life crisis. What finally resonated with me was that I now have a bit of wisdom and respect. I like that. It feels comfortable.
I am struggling like you, to be a single mother to my grandson. I work two part time jobs and don't make enough money to make ends meet. I understand how disheartening life as a single mother can be.
Seriously though, I will be 50 on my next birthday. I have anti wrinkle cream, but lately I've just said screw it. I don't care. I don't have a degree and don't know when I can get back in school. We'll cry together if you want to.
I've learned to appreciate the way I look. You know, you look back at pictures and wonder why you didn't realize how great you really did look in your 30's and 40's and enjoy it. And hey, everybody you went to school with is getting older, too. One of the guys I knew in highschool that blatantly crushed on me, told me recently that this beautiful girl in our class, Hildegard S. looks terrible compared to me. He told me I have "stunning eyes" and even made a play for me. I am not thin either.