Trading Hierarchies

by almostbitten 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • almostbitten

    Give Satanus the prize!!! He offered an answer to the question:

    If so, does this have to do with that person's true belief or is it ingrained into them that they have to have their beliefs or God's Word filtered down to them through a chain of command?

    This gives me some insight as to why some people leave a certain type of religious structure and fall into another similar to it. I guess like seeks out like, although the WTS and the RCC are worlds apart in doctrine. I personally think they are two-side of the same coin, both representing extremes.

    yknot, I have to agree that I've seen some FINE young Mormon men around my town. I've been a celibate since late '05, but I ain't dead. I can look, can't I?

    Satanus, you're million dollar check is in the mail. Be looking for it in the new world :P

  • BurnTheShips
    If so, does this have to do with that person's true belief or is it ingrained into them that they have to have their beliefs or God's Word filtered down to them through a chain of command?

    I can only speak for myself in this, but this does not describe me at all.


  • StoneWall

    It's all really simple when you break it down.
    They become JW's then get disfellowshippped.
    Then become Catholics to get excommunicated and then join the Amish so that they can be shunned by the rest of any family thats left.
    Its a brilliant plan to keep anyone from coming around and interfering with their privacy

  • almostbitten

    I like it, StoneWall, I like it!!!! I need to do that! LOL

  • StAnn

    Actually, it breaks down into this: do you believe in the Bible? do you believe in Jesus? do you believe in Christianity? do you wish to practice authentic Christianity? If the answer is "yes", then you have to start looking at issues of authority. Give any two people the same Bible and have them read it and, most likely, left to their own interpretation, they will disagree on various things throughout the scriptures. So, did Jesus leave us in a position where we fend for ourselves or did he leave someone in a position of authority, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to say that "a" is a legitimate doctrine while "b" is not?

    What gets most of us to become Catholic converts is, when it comes down to the question of authority, if you do research on who has authority, you end up at the door of a Catholic Church.

    Now, if you actually want to get into a discussion of authority and why I believe what I believe about authority, I'm happy to do that. But I doubt many of you actually want to do that. This is an ex-JW board, after all, not a Catholic one.

    Yes, I got the pope with many heads comment. No, I'm not someone who isn't comfortable not being affiliated with a Church. Is someone morally superior in your mind if they don't feel a need for religious expression? I was happily sans religion for many, many years post JW.

    Call it trading hierarchies if you want. The difference is, one hierarchy has God-given authority and the other doesn't. And that's another thread, if you really are curious and want to discuss this.


  • almostbitten

    All I can say is fire it up, StAnn. There are atheists, agnostics, witches, Buddhists, and what not on here--and they haven't been shy about talking about their experiences. Posting a thread may turn up some interesting notions for many ex-JW who feel as you do--or not.

  • StAnn

    That's just it, AB. I don't want to just "fire it up" for the sake of firing it up. If someone has questions, great. If people want to be left alone, that's great too. So, if this topic was because you're really, really curious why anyone who was a JW would become a Catholic, I'll fire it up. If you're just making idle conversation (which you're certainly allowed to do), then I'm not going to waste your time. Besides, Catholic Forums is really the best place to discuss Catholicism.

    Ball's back in your court.


  • almostbitten

    • Did Christ make God accessible to all believers through his death versus needing a high priest to stand in the gap? • Holy Spirit and the individual believer vs. Holy spirit available to one authoritative person who leads another group (not discounting leadership in itself) • The idea of purgatory (it's not biblical, I doubt it's from Babylon, but where did the idea spring up?) • Role of saints and Mary in personal salvation vs. Jesus, mediator between man and God. • Church's overall stance on celibacy of priests (which has changed back and forth over the years). • Should the church base everthing on "sola scriptura"? or should there be an hierarchy to make a judgement call given that times and circumstances of the church change? • What Catholic forums are available online to the public about these and other issues if not addressed at this point and time so readers can get information on their own time.

  • almostbitten

    Now these are universal questions, but if you noticed, no one really did answer the question, even though Satanus offered AN answer. But his opinion or experience is just that. I can't help it if other people make light hearted comments, but it was a topic I found interesting ESPECIALLY in light of what the WTS has often taught their adherents and the fact that the RCC is indeed and hierarchal structure just as the WTS is. What was the appeal? I asked this same question of a woman who was a Catholic who turned JW and she gave me her reasons. I did not judge her or question her beliefs. It was for the sake of wanting to know.

  • almostbitten

    Bottom line: Not here to fight or cause tension. This is an information exchange.
    Night all.

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