*** Your thoughts on Apostate Literature ***

by FlyingHighNow 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FlyingHighNow

    When they'd warn us at every circuit assembly not to read apostate literature, remember how they'd tell us if we received it in the mail, to throw it away immediately?

    What thoughts went through your mind?

    Mine were: "I don't think I can throw it away. I'll have to peak at it. I want to know what it says." And there was that slight part of me that must have already known in the deep recesses of my mind and heart and soul that something wasn't quite right about the org. And then there was the opposing feeling that I'd be led astray. Because after all, Gog and Magog were going to lead away many during the final test. Ah, I'd shudder when the final test would enter my mind.

  • quietlyleaving

    I thought we were missing an opportunity to preach - apostates seemed like ordinary people and not the huge threat they were described as. Their literature also didn't look threatening. I wondered what a few pamphlets could do. After all weren't we full of good spiritual food

    On one occasion I veered towards them, hoping to catch a glimpse but got steered away in the milieu.


  • amama2six

    I felt the same way (from a youth's perspective). I was actually pretty curious but at the same time WAY too scared to actually seek the "apostate literature" out. Had it landed in my hands somehow, however, I would have looked.

    Speaking of apostates and the view pushed on us...I would see the protesters outside the conventions each year and wonder why they were so upset. We were to avoid them at all costs, to ignore their words and not read their picket signs, of course. I did read some but at the time was too young to really understand what they were saying to us. We didn't have the internet back then like we do now or I may have dug a little deeper.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I had an active imagination as a child and was afraid of demons. I didn't look at apostate literature--was afraid of it. Amazing how much I've changed in the last 10 years. ;-)

  • FlyingHighNow

    I never actually saw the picketers. I may have at Chattanooga. I'd have given them a sad smile. I was always sympathetic to dfed ones.

    As soon as I got the internet in 1999, I looked for the official WTBTS site. And lo, I came upon the apostate sites. I looked at them and read the ones on my search results. But didn't look further into them until the summer of 2001.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Nobody ever tried to give me any. But there was supposedly a number for Jehovah's Witnesses in our local phone book in the past and we were told not to call it because it was an evil bad apostate who had a recorded message to encourage people to send for evil bad no no literature. I sometimes wished I could find the number.

  • amama2six

    LOL John I was too! My great-grandmother gave me a stuffed monkey with a plastic face and hands (one hand had the thumb out that it could "suck" in it's mouth). I'm pretty sure she got it at a yard sale (she was a non-JW).

    ANYHOW, I don't know what the hell happened to me, I don't believe I was dreaming because I pinched myself and it hurt...but one night I woke up and looked over at my toybox (which was illuminated by my rainbow night light). On the very top of the pile I saw the monkey, almost appearing to be on a platform, very slowly spinning around. It freaked the CRAP out of me!!! Like I said I pinched myself and when it hurt I dove under the covers in fear until I finally fell back to sleep. The next morning I found it under some crap in the toybox like it should have been.

    Also, I was DEATHLY afraid of the dark for the LONGEST time. I kinda still am for no good reason. Back then, though, I would turn off my light and sprint across the room into my bed...fearful that the demons under it would grab my legs and take me to "Jehovah knows where"!!! LOL

  • stillajwexelder

    FHN - it is a bit like telling a young child - dont eat that piece of candy - you get intrigued. The more they told me about apostate literature the more I wanted to read it

  • wobble

    I have never received any through the postal system, but I have been given some whilst in the field circus. it took me a lot of study to find the errors in it scripturally, I think a lot of it is not very well presented, as with some of the sites on the Web.I think most on here, JWD,do a better job by the slow introduction of info. and ideas, keep up ,the good work!!!!!

    Love to all


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Never had an interest in apostate literature. I was once handed a tract at an assembly that looked like the cover of a Watchtower. I thought at first it was the program for the convention. When I got to my seat and realized it wasn't I just casually glanced at it and then threw it away I think.

    I was so dub-minded that I did not entertain the idea that "Jehovah" was not with us. I knew there were serious problems, particularly in the matter of showing 'Christian love'- but I wasn't ready to be convinced of the depth of the problems. When I was ready - boy was I ready! I sought out apostate info with a vengeance then.

    I never feared that literature though - if it had been on the shelves of my local library I might have looked it over - and likely would have begun the process of deprogramming much earlier. But it wasn't there - I was a frequent visitor to the religious section in the library. I may have been looking for some safe avenue to explore the matter subconsciously, who knows.


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