I know there's been some talk of paranormal...but I wanted to be more specific with my post. I am going to admit to something I have only recently come to realize about my time being raised as a JW. Blame it on selective memory (or lack of much memory at all). I had out of body experiences WEEKLY as a child each time I went to Kingdom Hall. I never knew they were wrong, or even that they were "unusual". As a youth many of the "talks" were kind of boring to me, and I "tranced out" to survive the experience quietly. During these "trances" I would "leave my body" and fly up to the ceiling of the KH...shooting forward to the stage above the speaker, where I would look down on him giving his message. I would actually pay better attention to what he was saying this way. I can distinctly recount in my mind what these "brothers", the hall, the other "witnesses", and pretty much EVERYTHING looked like from the rafters looking down. I'm not sure when I stopped doing this (I cannot repeat the act though I have tried as an adult) but still remember most of the meetings (at least visually) from this position. The closest I can come now is the "falling out of bed" feeling where you jerk as the separation of mind and body begins to happen (yes, I've done some reading on it). Was I demonized, crazy, or did I just have a unique way of coping with the immense stress bestowed on me at the time? Even I don't know...but if I was demonized then I'd think I'd be even MORE so now...yet I can't repeat what I did back then.
Out of Body Experiences
by amama2six 18 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
If a guy did that, he wouldn't have been over the speaker looking at the notes. ;-)
No doubt...I can't say I didn't do a little bit of my own oogling at the brothers (and sisters) in the congregation from my happy little perch. :P
I wanted to add that as a survivor of abuse/rape before the age of 4 I think I was a lot more susceptible to the "out of body" thing. In reading I have found that this is actually a very common coping mechanism for children in the situation I was in, as it allows you to remove yourself from your physical self in uncomfortable/painful situations to lessen the damage. Going from that situation to the JW organization I guess the ability followed me for some years before finally fading away. I did this at assemblies and conventions as well.
As a youth many of the "talks" were kind of boring to me, and I "tranced out" to survive the experience quietly. During these "trances" I would "leave my body" and fly up to the ceiling of the KH...shooting forward to the stage above the speaker, where I would look down on him giving his message. ..... I'm not sure when I stopped doing this (I cannot repeat the act though I have tried as an adult) but still remember most of the meetings (at least visually) from this position. The closest I can come now is the "falling out of bed"
You need to go to the KH and listen to thier boring talks to get out of the body,, but can't do it any more. Maybe if you every go again you can tape one of those "out of the body" inducing talks, then go home and sit in a uncomfortable chair, close off a small room so it gets really stuffy(like the KH) and listen to the entire talk and see what happens maybe a couple of trys you will be able to do it again.
You might be able to sell it over the internet as a "out of the body inducing CD" with instructions to simulate the KH enviroment and make a killing. :)
LOL Frankie I was actually wondering if going back to the KH (or a convention) and sitting through the long boring speeches would bring back the ability! :D
First I want 2 thank you because I've had paranormal things happen 2 me but with JW literature! I'm not comfortable enough yet 2 talk about it but one day I will. Once again, thank you 4 being bold enough 2 open the door.
Yikes...no, that's not my real picture. I'm really a middle-aged man covered in lots of body hair.
FB...when you are ready you will...I have only just begun talking about this experience within the last year or so. That's after 12 years out of the organization and even more years since I was actually able to do it. Some things just take time...I'm glad I was able to at least show you that you are not the only one.
Never had an out of body experience, but I sure could use an in body one.
You and me both, sweetstuff, you and me BOTH!