Some interesting names on this list. Like a trip down memory lane.
The only CO I really rated, as he could be both an engaging speaker and was human off the platform (at least, back when I met him), was Michael Spurr, and that was many years ago. Don't even know if he's still alive these days. Oh, and Anton Irons was ok too.
The two pretty much universal opinions I've heard is that Purbrick was a git and Stokes was great. Can't comment on the latter as I've never seen/met him.
Most of the other COs I've known could perhaps be either a good public speaker but not warm off the platform, or friendly in person but not very captivating or persuasive in their talks, but rarely ever both. And some were no good at either, just company men who were there to tick boxes like some kind of regional sales auditor.
I suspect most listed here are 'retired' or even deceased by now.
Who are the current or more recent ones doing the rounds here in the UK, and what are they like?