I might have had my first post-fade slip up. Due to a temporary job, I've found myself back in my hometown the last few weeks. I was pumping gas this morning when I was approached by the presiding overseer of my old congregation (technically my current congregation since I never bothered to change my publisher card). He was cordial and told me about his recent trip to Bethel. He was telling me how beautiful the Patterson facilities are and like an idiot I said, "Aren't they hosting elder's schools there now?" His eyes lit up and he became immediately suspicious. He asked me how I had found out and, again, like an idiot I threw my brother under the bus and said he had told me. He said that I was correct about there being elder's schools there and quickly changed the subject.
I have a good feeling he now suspects I'm getting information from "apostates." He's been pretty good about leaving me alone since I stopped going to meetings some three years ago, but I don't want to give him any reason to come after me. I'm going to be in town for a few more weeks before I head back home (several hundred miles away), which is enough time for him to gather up the elders and begin an investigation. I don't think it'll come to that, though.