It is understandable that the WTS shows modest growth year on year, as their Armageddon!Soon! message is being preached to a revolving door audience.
<Jesus we just had an earthquake here in Beverly Hills>
Gotta go....
by BonaFide 26 Replies latest jw friends
It is understandable that the WTS shows modest growth year on year, as their Armageddon!Soon! message is being preached to a revolving door audience.
<Jesus we just had an earthquake here in Beverly Hills>
Gotta go....
Who would have thought the mighty Soviet Union would collapse like it did? But to some extent fragments have survived, but not like the original in it's red terror glory.
Only time will tell what happens to the bOrg.
It looks to me like schizophrenia at the very top. Although an appearance is made that everything is great, problems are growing that only the big A can fix. But, the big A ain't coming. Locally, things can't be good since there's an apostate serving as an elder... me.
B the X
The only scenario that would result in a complete collapse, in my opinion, would take the form of an internal coup or related collapse from the very top (think Worldwide Church of God). Other than that, there are too many unknown variables, too many future developments we cannot anticipate, to be able to effectively predict what the religion will look like in the future. Will they crack the whip or will they go mainstream? Will they overhaul their eschatology and doctrinal framework or will they remain tied down to their present doctrinal and prophetic framework? Will the internet cripple their ability to recruit new members and speed up the rate at which current members decide to leave or will people generally choose to join or remain as members despite the evidence? Will there be future catastrophic events that turn people on to religion in general? Nobody knows the answers to these questions. If their past history is any indication, the organization will continue to change. A Russellite from 1900 would not recognize of JW from 1950, and in turn that 1950 JW would not recognize today's JW.
I bet if there is a major exodus "Noo Lite" on Jesus words about the "love of the greater number cooling off" will appear to keep the remainder ensnared?
Love to all,
Not soon....(money still to be made from estates)
I think we would see a split first or a relocation to a small private island.....
I guess it all depends on the ego's in charge......
a wise captain knows when to abandon ship.....
stubborn ones claim seaworthiness until they drown.
ya know the guys on top always surround themselves with like minded people. If anyone deviates they just dogpile them. Look at Ray. more fell apart invisibly in 1995...........oompa
When the problems within the Society reach critical mass - then will be the tipping point.
Seriously, new folks are coming to the mountain of JWD everyday. Some of these in turn become the catalyst for other JWs to leave.
Perhaps JWs are about to have their own version of Thomas Paine's "age of reason".
I read an article the other day about Branch Davidians that are still waiting for David Koresh's return.
How sad is that?
Some people will never give up.
What if everyone at the top started to turn against the religion and all of them started working towards the dissolution of the Watchtower Society, boy that would be awesome, but only a pipe dream I'm sure.