Safeguarding our Spirituality 101

by Jigrigger 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jigrigger

    Here is a little "pep talk" for those who may feel they are in danger of losing their SPIRITUALITY.

    Safeguard Your Spirituality by Training Your Perceptive Powers
    By: Brother Guy Pierce of Governing Body
    1. Listen to Jehovah. Many think they know the answers, but they don't even know the questions.
    2. Study regularly, study deeply. We can be
    desensitized by what we see and hear, thinking it isn't bad, i.e., x-mas songs. We hear them; next thing we know the tune is running around in our head. In a short time we are humming them just as Satan wants.
    3. Do we spend pioneer time in front of the TV or computer, and token time in service? Psalms 119:37, "Make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless."
    4. Jesus is countless billions of years old and one day we will be as old as Jesus is now, and he'll only be twice our age.
    5. The Bible is inspired of the Sovereign of the Universe. It's a masterpiece, give it careful attention.
    6. The reasons some give for not being at the meetings is the very reason why they need to be there.
    7. Too busy because of the high cost of living, or living high. You can' put enough money in the bank to get through Armageddon.
    8. A couple of young brothers are going to a movie. When asked if it has bad language, they reply, "yes, but we hear it all the time in school." Do we want to pay to hear more? It should hurt our ears.
    9. Every meeting is a holy, sacred occasion. Never be absent by choice.
    10. Some are slowly losing the sense of urgency. We are in the heart and heat of a universal emergency. All in heaven have their attention focused on earth and what we are doing.
    11. If we had the cure for cancer we would tell everyone. We DO have the cure for cancer, AIDS, and even death. People desperately need to hear. Our ministry is an extension of God's love. When you talk with someone they are face to face with a representative of Jehovah God.

    So, there you have it in a nutshell! Aren't you relieved that by just following these simple steps you too will never have to worry about ever having a life...

    Praise Jah


  • SixofNine
    We DO have the cure for cancer, AIDS, and even death.

    I love statements like this. I love it because it is a baldfaced lie, taken literally, and yet, that is exactly the way JW's expect it to be taken. It is proveably false.

  • Joyzabel

    Hahahahahahahah! Love it. All a bunch of bs. j2bf

  • AMarie

    AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! Oh my god, reading something like that is like having a Vietnam Flashback (No offense to anybody whos been to Vietnam. I'm sure it was much more horrible). More service, more meetings, etc, etc, etc.....

    Thanks for the memories, Jigrigger........


  • joelbear

    1. Listen to Jehovah. Many think they know the answers, but they don't even know the questions.

    What does this mean?

    2. Study regularly, study deeply. We can be
    desensitized by what we see and hear, thinking it isn't bad, i.e., x-mas songs. We hear them; next thing we know the tune is running around in our head. In a short time we are humming them just as Satan wants.

    So humming is bad?

    3. Do we spend pioneer time in front of the TV or computer, and token time in service? Psalms 119:37, "Make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless."

    Sure makes me want to pioneer. Kind of like saying to a teenager. Do you spend time cleaning your room or do you waste your cleaning time watching TV or on the computer. Its a chore. Almost all witnesses see it as a chore.

    4. Jesus is countless billions of years old and one day we will be as old as Jesus is now, and he'll only be twice our age.

    Promises promises.

    5. The Bible is inspired of the Sovereign of the Universe. It's a masterpiece, give it careful attention.

    I agree you can learn a lot about how to justify killing your enemies and taking their land using the Hebrew scriptures. Then we have a brief period where love is taught by Jesus. Then, Paul takes over and tells us all over again how to behave and how to treat people who don't behave like us.

    6. The reasons some give for not being at the meetings is the very reason why they need to be there.

    I'm exhausted? I'm sick? I can't stand the mind numbing repetition any more?

    7. Too busy because of the high cost of living, or living high. You can' put enough money in the bank to get through Armageddon.

    And the Watchtower society has no assets or cash flow plan?

    8. A couple of young brothers are going to a movie. When asked if it has bad language, they reply, "yes, but we hear it all the time in school." Do we want to pay to hear more? It should hurt our ears.

    Teenage boys should form bands to play Kingdom songs. The young people in the congregation could put on biblical plays or practice magazine presentations on Saturday nights.

    9. Every meeting is a holy, sacred occasion. Never be absent by choice.

    See comment above on mind numbing repetition.

    10. Some are slowly losing the sense of urgency. We are in the heart and heat of a universal emergency. All in heaven have their attention focused on earth and what we are doing.

    Think its bad now, wait another 20 or 30 years. How ludicrous to think that if heaven exists, that in all of the billions of galaxies nothing is going on of any importance except on earth.

    11. If we had the cure for cancer we would tell everyone. We DO have the cure for cancer, AIDS, and even death. People desperately need to hear. Our ministry is an extension of God's love. When you talk with someone they are face to face with a representative of Jehovah God.

    Some of Jehovah's representatives scare the hoo hoo out of me. Saying they have the cure for cancer is not true. They basically promise a future time when cancer simply does not exist, so there will be no need to be cured from it.


  • Satanus

    'Listen to Jehovah. Many think they know the answers, but they don't even know the questions.' If jehovah is talking, why would you need to ask him anything? Is he stuck for what to say? Has any jw actually heard him speak? Has brother pierce heard him? What a joke. There isn't an ounce/gram of spirituality encouraged in his advice. X-mas songs, those are a bit spiritual, don't dare listen to them. Like joy said, total bs.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Pierce's remarks are mind-boggling in its utter stupidity: we live in a world wracked with immense human suffering, inequity and daily tragedy; are we then to conclude that God pisses and moans whenever an estwhile faithful servant begins to hum a Christmas carol?

    It never seem to dawn on these morons how such assertions demean God's image by suggesting that such trivialities occupy His concerns.

    Every meeting ``sacred and holy?'' Puh-leeze! As I pointed out in my recent `Bethel Memoirs'' thread, the opportunity to miss meetings with impunity and guilt-free by invoking Bethel work assignments is one of the major unspoken ``perks'' of Bethel service.

  • Preston
    Safeguard Your Spirituality by Training Your Perceptive Powers
    By: Brother Guy Pierce of Governing Body

    What a letdown! For a minute there I thought this talk was delivered Guy Pearce the actor, you know, the hottie from Memento and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Would have given me enough reason to start going to meetings

    1. Listen to Jehovah. Many think they know the answers, but they don't even know the questions.
    ...or more realistically: 1. Listen to us. We know the answers, so don't even bother asking the questions

    2. Study regularly, study deeply. We can be desensitized by what we see and hear, thinking it isn't bad, i.e., x-mas songs. We hear them; next thing we know the tune is running around in our head. In a short time we are humming them just as Satan wants.
    ... Going into deep Bible study has nothing to do with having a stupid Christmas song stuck in your head. Besides, the real issue here is if JW's are being desensitized to the point of not speaking up when they see somebody getting hurt in the congregation, or being told not to act on their own insight. Just think millions of JW's don't realize that the Governing Body secretly mistrusts JW's to the point where these crusty old white guys in New York can't even trust the flock to use their own brains.

    3. Do we spend pioneer time in front of the TV or computer, and token time in service? Psalms 119:37, "Make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless."
    You can make the case that you can be doing something more important than either one. Personally, I am an officer for the largest GLBT group on campus at ASU. I don't put in 60 or even 70 hours a month but I can tell that more gets done with what I'm doing than by going to a bunch of people's houses and using cheesy marketing techniques to get them to open the Bible. What a lot of people don't realize is that preaching is more effective when it doesn’t appear deliberate (a car group enters a neighborhood, they all work up and down a street, mark who's home, who isn't, who's interested, who isn't, etc...). I've had much more satisfying and effective discussions about the Bible than at places other than people's doors. "But it's our trademark!" Just because it's the key identifier of your religion doesn't make it any better.

    4. Jesus is countless billions of years old and one day we will be as old as Jesus is now, and he'll only be twice our age.
    Why would u think that Jesus owes you that much?

    5. The Bible is inspired of the Sovereign of the Universe. It's a masterpiece, give it careful attention.
    OMG, he used the word masterpiece, who would think that such big words could be found in a public talk!

    6. The reasons some give for not being at the meetings is the very reason why they need to be there.
    Believe me, if the talks that they gave at the Kingdom Hall actually did anything other than rehash the same outlines over, and over, and over, than I probably would consider going again. In my 5+ years in the congregation I can count on my right hand how many talks truly touched my heart. Other than that, just send me the outline, it will be more interesting for me to read it than for some guy to give it monotone.

    7. Too busy because of the high cost of living, or living high. You can' put enough money in the bank to get through Armageddon.
    C'mon already get your salary from all the hard-working JW's who although miss meetings and service spend part of their paychecks for your benefit while you give more time to writing schmaltz like this. Really, find a clue...

    8. A couple of young brothers are going to a movie. When asked if it has bad language, they reply, "yes, but we hear it all the time in school." Do we want to pay to hear more? It should hurt our ears.
    Just like I didn't have to pay the elder body for them to slander apostate to my face. I have never heard more bad things said to my face in my entire life than from what I received from my last elders meeting.

    9. Every meeting is a holy, sacred occasion. Never be absent by choice.
    If the meetings were really that sacred than they would result in the same degree of spiritual enlightenment that Jesus bestowed on those that were skinned, and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. Instead, they mirror the same formality of the festivals of ancient Israel, merely pointing to the Christ... it's just another burden.

    10. Some are slowly losing the sense of urgency. We are in the heart and heat of a universal emergency. All in heaven have their attention focused on earth and what we are doing.

    Believe me, if going to a bunch of people's houses was that urgent, then God would provide a more effective and efficient method of getting it done than the Governing Body instituting a total numbers game, which it is...

    11. If we had the cure for cancer we would tell everyone. We DO have the cure for cancer, AIDS, and even death. People desperately need to hear. Our ministry is an extension of God's love. When you talk with someone they are face to face with a representative of Jehovah God.

    Cure for cancer? Jehovah's Witnesses can't even cure suicide in their ranks, sex abuse, misogyny, scripture taken out of context, class divisions, severe depression, child abuse, and lack of education. How do they expect to cure AIDS and cancer when they can't even get past all this other stuff...If you have a problem u seek a professional. Since most Jehovah's Witnesses have never stepped inside a University classroom how do they expect to help me? Ohhh, by giving me two magazines? no thanks...

  • sunscapes

    1. Listen to Jehovah. Many think they know the answers, but they don't even know the questions.
    2. Study regularly, study deeply. We can be
    desensitized by what we see and hear, thinking it isn't bad, i.e., x-mas songs. We hear them; next thing we know the tune is running around in our head. In a short time we are humming them just as Satan wants.
    3. Do we spend pioneer time in front of the TV or computer, and token time in service? Psalms 119:37, "Make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless."
    4. Jesus is countless billions of years old and one day we will be as old as Jesus is now, and he'll only be twice our age.
    5. The Bible is inspired of the Sovereign of the Universe. It's a masterpiece, give it careful attention.
    6. The reasons some give for not being at the meetings is the very reason why they need to be there.
    7. Too busy because of the high cost of living, or living high. You can' put enough money in the bank to get through Armageddon.
    8. A couple of young brothers are going to a movie. When asked if it has bad language, they reply, "yes, but we hear it all the time in school." Do we want to pay to hear more? It should hurt our ears.
    9. Every meeting is a holy, sacred occasion. Never be absent by choice.
    10. Some are slowly losing the sense of urgency. We are in the heart and heat of a universal emergency. All in heaven have their attention focused on earth and what we are doing.
    11. If we had the cure for cancer we would tell everyone. We DO have the cure for cancer, AIDS, and even death. People desperately need to hear. Our ministry is an extension of God's love. When you talk with someone they are face to face with a representative of Jehovah God.

    The Anti-Pep talk

    1: Only mindless people don't have good questions. Then we can hope to listen for the answers.

    2: Christmas (not x-mas) songs are GOOD. LISTEN to the lyrics, bozo. Just because you're told it's evil doesn't make it so. Being different does not equate being right.

    3: Much is worthless wherever you go; but the internet is a treasure of WORTHWHILE information of which useful info can be filtered out.

    4: Right. At that time then the WTS can be even haughtier and more know-it-all because their age ratio to Jesus is closer.

    5: Give the Bible careful attention -- be especially wary of "scholarly" versions like the NWT.

    6: You can't be at the meetings for the reason you can't be there. Catch-22.

    7: You need to be high to keep living high in the slavery a-la WTS. Not to mention who's lived high off my cumulative donations and hard work.

    8: More bad language is heard at the doors than at many movies. And it's free!

    9: Actually, many who are there are UNholy, unclean, and SCARED, not sacred.

    10: Nobody can keep up an 87-years-running sense of emergency. We'd go nuts.

    11: If the cure for death and disease involves mental, emotional and spiritual disease, no thanks. The "representatives" of Jehovah carry many dirty utensils and bloodguilt.

    Nutshell: yup, that's a good term for the meetings.

    When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers ... we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath future generations.

    formerly "Theocracy Rules Again"
    circa 1996-1999

  • Pathofthorns

    Nice comments Joel.

    That guy pulled out every worn out JW cliche in the book. Talk about desperation.


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