This is a topic for dreamers and schemers.
I flow in and out of possibility vs no f*cking way. I let go of dreams, pick up schemes, then lose all interest and focus on survival. Reality is constant, relentless, and sobering. It is my teacher, my nemesis, and my friend.
I wonder if having a dream enhances life, or side tracks it? At what point do we figure it out?
After losing belief in God, losing my dreams just seems like the next step. Not sure I'm ready for this, but....WTF....reality bites. Time to make lemonade out of lemons.
Any one else have issues with this?
Reality Bites!
by wings 10 Replies latest jw friends
I'm almost right there with you.
I've been wondering if losing my dreams has more to do with my age than with my lack of religion.
Never lose your dreams. Work towards them. Make the changes necessary to make them come true. Change the dream to fit reality, if you must, but don't kill the dream.
changeling :)
Never lose your dreams. Work towards them. Make the changes necessary to make them come true. Change the dream to fit reality, if you must, but don't kill the dream.
I appreciate this sentiment, but the energy level necessary to even keep it in my heart and mind can be exhausting. Seems like it is time to level the playing field. Start all over again. Feels like I'm letting my dreams down, myself down.....but, unfortunately, I'm use to it. So the question is, do I recreate my dreams? Or, do I just lay low and not extend myself?
wings -
I've been wondering if losing my dreams has more to do with my age than with my lack of religion.
I so understand what you are saying. Like dreams are a part of our some point it is time to just bite reality and live!
wings -
choosing life
You may have to let go of some dreams, but not all. We all have to change our expectations in life. You really need to keep at least some small possibility open that the future will bring you something special. Morph into new possibilities.
Before you have life experience (good or bad) you shoot the moon on your aspirations, hopes and dreams.
The longer you live the more your personal experience starts to "calibrate" the possible from the impossible.
By the time you are old enough to be practical, contemplative and rational, you have reached the point where risk assessment is as natural as breathing out and breathing in.
At that "certain age" one is hardly ever willing to trade SECURITY for risk of any kind.
It is because having however small a haven of security is now known to be the EXCEPTION rather than the rule!
Putting it all on number 11 Black is more credible when you have untold years left ahead of you to recoup your possible losses.
However, when you are in the shortened days of twilght.......recouping losses just about comes down to All or Nothing.
So---this feeling is reality driven and intelligence driven to the point where risk assessment brings on paralysis of opportunity assessment.
No matter what age you are---you can't lose sight of OPPORTUNITY hidden inside that cloud of risk.
Anything worth having is worth "paying for" with equivalent risk offered as payment in advance.
Think of risking something new and worthwhile as a DEPOSIT or an INVESTMENT rather than pure risk.
Suddenly, the dreams aren't gone anymore; they've become palpable and foundational.
If you don't have dreams / plans or whatever you call them there is not much left but to wait for that last trip in a pine box
Dreams / plans have got me through some pretty rough patches in my life without losing it (completely)
I flow in and out of possibility vs no f*cking way. I let go of dreams, pick up schemes, then lose all interest and focus on survival. Reality is constant, relentless, and sobering. It is my teacher, my nemesis, and my friend.
I wonder if having a dream enhances life, or side tracks it? At what point do we figure it out?
After losing belief in God, losing my dreams just seems like the next step. Not sure I'm ready for this, but....WTF....reality bites. Time to make lemonade out of lemons.
Any one else have issues with this?
wingsissues with this???.....only all of it...........
losing faith in nearly all things spiritual.....losing dreams....(i was not supposed to graduate HS in 1979 cause 1975 was GONNA end it NOT! i have freakin reading glasses!!!....dammit!!!
Having dreams inhances life tremendously!! Because whether realized or not....they keep you alive in a way that reality can not match. But mine are sadly dead now. And I do not know at what point we figure things out.....but i would like some dreams back..........................................................oompa
Just have goals, not demands. They can always be revised.