I've done stupid things like that too. It takes years to grow back, you have to go through that 'awkward' stage when your hair just kinks all over the place around your shoulders and you can't do a thing with it. I feel your pain.
I'm feeling sad.......I LOST it all in a moment of weakness
by journey-on 38 Replies latest jw friends
Oh...see there....talk about jumping the gun, you already gave the answer....and so quickly too!!
Good grief woman!! Why did you do it? Nevermind, I have done it too many times in my 47 years. I went from waist length to Dorothy Hamill cut when I was 16. I cried for ...................I want to be the wild old lady with the long gray hair when I get there.
John Doe, that's really sweet, I'm sure JO was concerned about what turns you on.
Oh...see there....talk about jumping the gun, you already gave the answer....and so quickly too!!
Yeah, I know, but when the first couple of people guessed it, I figured it was too obvious.
Bringen: Exactly! Gone are the days of the smooth sleek feel. Already the nape is kinking up on me.
John Doe
John Doe, that's really sweet, I'm sure JO was concerned about what turns you on.
Interesting, considering I said nothing about what turns me on.
LOL at Beksbks:
John Doe, that's really sweet, I'm sure JO was concerned about what turns you on.
I was just going to ignore him. Men don't understand why we cry over our hair. They don't feel our pain, do they?
John Doe
Yeah, guess I don't understnad. To me, it's like crying that you had a mole surgically removed from the end of your nose.
John Doe, that's really sweet, I'm sure JO was concerned about what turns you on.
Interesting, considering I said nothing about what turns me on.Well we do know that her current do is closer than her last.
John Doe
Well we do know that her current do is closer than her last.
Maybe I've had one too many tonight, but I don't follow what you're saying here.