I like the New Jerusalem Bible. I find its written in a very easy to read English and its very close to the real original writings except it has a few extra books and chapters which are not considered part of the Bible, so i ignore them. It also use's the name "Yahweh".
What is YOUR bible of choice?
by gloobster 42 Replies latest jw friends
One with very thin pages so I can use it for rolling papers.
White Dove
The Wiccan Rede has all that I need to make competent decisions in my life and to inspire me.
Actually, inspiration comes from within.
I find the Bible way too repetitive. There are too many "and"s in sentences and too many run-ons.
It seems to be more of an editor's nightmare for grammar, punctuation, and consistency of facts.
The stories, however, could be anazyzed quite well as fine literature. It has very good poetry in it.
It also has good advice scattered throughout, if you skip all of the "stone thy neighbor and then burn the body" messages.
The Barbecue! Bible
White Dove
I agree that most of the stories were written in a way that seem to put them right next to God.
It's not up to date no matter how many modern sayings take place of the old ones.
There is also a 'Beer Bible".
Quirkmeister we make a great team.
If it's free I'll take it.
Actually I don't like anything with words like thou, thine, thee and shalt.
I prefer the New International Version study bible. It is easy to read and the notes are great.
New Living Translation, Reads very easily...