this makes me sick

by burningbridges 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • burningbridges

    My soon to be ex husband takes my daughter, who is two and a half, to the meetings still because our divorce judge awarded him her on those nights since I didnt attend a place of worship at the time of our split. (well duh, i was recovering from a cult) I recently found out she has been "answering" at the meetings. (She is very advanced for her age, very talkative and articulate) I'm just sick from this. I told him its disqusting how he turns her into a puppet just so he can get attention from her being cute. She has no clue what she's saying or doing, its just a showy display. How can parents do this to their children, it just sickens me. He says he's "teaching" her to love Jehovah. Bull shit. He wants to look like a good dub, plain and simple. Its a bunch of crap.


  • insearchoftruth


    Sorry to hear that, I don't understand how a parent can use a child as a puppet, it seems to me that he is using her only for his gain. What is amazing is there is no way he could not know that this sort of thing is not at all what you are wanting!!!

  • burningbridges

    He's doing it just to please everyone else in the congregation, no thought for how ridiculous it really is...

  • Margie

    Burningbridges, I would be upset, too. On the bright side, at least your daughter will see first-hand how ridiculous the JW beliefs are and with any luck will grow up to want nothing to do with that crackpot "religion."

  • logic&reason

    Children almost always look over at their parents after they comment.

    You can watch for it like clockwork.

    Usually they have no idea what they have just said, they are just repeating words trying to gain the approval of the adult.

    Parents will almost always reciprocate with smiles and nods of approval, which is all the kid really wants.

  • Quandry

    Don't be too concerned, as she does not know what is going on.

    Please don't argue and fight in front of your child. The best thing she can have is both parents who love her and don't make her feel in the middle of your fights.

  • LovesDubs

    It is just a show :) When she is with the same thing with her only use things that reflect your own beliefs. If you believe in God, use a nature book or one about animals and how wonderful God was to make us all EQUAL and no matter what we believe God loves us ANYWAY isnt that wonderful honey? You know...fight fire with fire. When I first left in 97, my kids were 9, 6 and 2. My husband to "prove a point" was dragging them to the hall. I did absolutely NOTHING to help him wash, dress and pack them up either so he learned what a job THAT was. This all was a show so the "friends" would go Oh poor poor Brother H! Look how dedicated he is to Jehovah and to teaching his children to love Jehovah! And my cute little kids who were REALLY good at the hall would be scattered around sitting with this sister or that sister...who were also interested in my husband possibly becoming SINGLE in the near future.


    None of my kids are in the Borg...they saw, they learned,...they RAN :)

  • oompa

    time to break it to her burning....often...and before every meeting.....God hates kids that speak out at the kingdom hall!!!....sometimes he make their tounges rot out!....and kills their dad by cancer! that....sick I know...but she may not comment as much.......barf....look what it made me stoop too.............oompa

  • flipper

    BURNING BRIDGES- I really feel for your situation friend. I agree that your ex-husband's motives for doing this are for appearance - but unfortunately if he isn't physically or emotionally abusing the daughter in the law's eyes there isn't much you can do in controlling what he does with the daughter on his visitation time. One thing you can do is just inculcate REAL, authentic loving experiences with your daughter when you have her and show her all the good things in life she can experience outside the JW experience. Make good use of your time. Try not to talk negatively about your ex to your daughter as this is not healthy emotionally for her. Just give her lots of love and support. Good luck, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • babygirl75

    My ex would do the same sh*t.

    It just a showy display to make them look like the victim in all this & how they are trying to be the "good" parent.

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