The BESTEST present ever! (NOT)

by LDH 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH



  • waiting


    It sounds like you married Mr. Practical - at least in the "If I'm going to buy a gift, at least it's gonna be practical" class.

    I had to take the ring and get it appraised, so I *looked* around for a matching style band. Naturally, I found one! I told my husband last night about taking ring in.....and the band I found. His jaw just dropped like "what the fuc......."

    Giggling, I told him it was absolutely necessary because now people will think that I'm just engaged to the man I've been living with for 20 years.

    Man.......did I get an eye roll look.

    He just resignedly said "whatever." Love that man.


  • waiting
    waiting Lisa said,

    ROTFLMAO. Simon's close to winning this one.


  • LDH

    Yes, Waiting, which is why I'm taking no prisoners this year.

    "Husband," I said, "I want a parrafin bath. And get the one that's big enough to do hands or feet. Don't get the hand one."

    He tried to tell me how 'unpractical' something like that was--why, it could BREAK! I reminded him that pedicures and manicures at the salon were expensive, and suddenly he was convinced! LOL.

    Mr. Practical indeed. Men are too much. Or, too little.


  • Simon

    I told her I'd forgotten and it wasn't her proper present after she seemed disappointed with them for some reason (fussy cow [8>]).

    I am very VERY bad with dates. After a few weeks I have no idea whether things happened days or years ago. I don't know what my kids birthdays are or when Angharad's is unless she reminds me. The only reason I remember our anniversary is because it's on April fools day (it seemed such an appropriate day to get married on ).

    You will be pleased to know that I am getting better at pampering the old bat and this year I've really pushed the boat out. I just hope she likes the bowling ball with 'Simon' written on but if not I don't mind using it (that's off the Simpsons).

    As long as Ana doesn't show up and grass me up about the chat I'm home & dry...

  • ashitaka

    I'll buy something naughty for all you fine ladies for me I'll put a lot of thought into it....{evil laugh while rubbing hand together}

    jingle bells,


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