Can somebody explain the time sheet process

by tryingtounderstandjws 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tryingtounderstandjws

    Is it an actual form that you fill out and submit to the main office?

    Do you break down the hours and what you did?

    Did anyone find it fun or help encourage them to do more, or was more time just spent getting creative with it?

  • yknot

    Yes they are actual forms.....(S-4)

    I will PM you the current book that explains it all!

  • Evidently

    Think of it as your timecard so that the main office in Brooklyn can monitor you making sure you are spending an appropriate amount of time selling their publications from door to door. If you fall behind on the requirement you are hounded by the "hounders" to do more or you won't be invited to get-togethers or dinner after the assembly with the rest of the "in crowd". Additionally, Sister PO and her merry club of wannabe Sister PO's will stick their nose in the air everytime they walk by you because you are worthless scum.

    Also, if you don't keep your hours up selling books they will not allow you to have privledges such as cleaning the bathrooms or mowing the grass at the Kingdom Hall. Bottom line, the time sheet is how your faith in Jehovah the Organization is judged, not by your works or personal relationship with God.

    So good luck with that.........

  • tryingtounderstandjws

    Oh man, people actually do this stuff?

    I'm am so sorry. I didn't know it was actually that bad. When my JW friend mentioned a time card, I really thought she was joking. She never showed me any of the "behind the scene books or literature" just a lot of those "regular WT magazines"


    Oh man, oh man, oh man, I'm getting light headed just thinking about it.

    I don't mean to laugh, but I am, I can't help it, it's too F..kin funny.

    Thanks for the link. I am reading more of it tonight.

  • yknot

    ohh and there are entire businesses for 'field service' stuff too...

    and yes the JWs eat that stuff up!.....

  • WTWizard

    This is when they announce that they need people to turn in their field circus reports at the end of the month.

    You have about 10 lines for individual dates of field circus (which can be a problem if you go out in field circus every damn day). You fill in the date, the hours you spent out in field circus, the placements, and the calls. Washtowel studies are also counted on the slip, and you fill out a separate form for each Washtowel study you conducted each month.

    At the bottom, there is the total for the month. You add those individual lines and place the grand totals in each category in that space. And then you put it in the box.

    Once it is there, the hounder in charge will tabulate it. Your times go on your publisher record (which is never destroyed), and then they mail in the averages and totals to the headquarters. The hounder-hounder is also given access to this, so he can hound the hounders should the numbers not be climbing. And they calculate the averages that end up in the Kingdumb Misery from those.

    They also tabulate the total number of publishers from those slips. Every congregation has to divulge how many they received at the end of the month, and those are added up. And every one that turns up missing is one less they can report as a publisher. If yours turns up missing on the peak month and they get a total of 6,999,999 or less, you have prevented them from turning 7 million that time.

  • tryingtounderstandjws





  • blondie

    The actual time in relation to individuals is recorded only in the local congregation. The numbers only are sent to the branch office. Branch offices other than the US send their numbers to the US. There should be a scan of the form floating around.

  • sir82
    Think of it as your timecard so that the main office in Brooklyn can monitor you making sure you are spending an appropriate amount of time selling their publications from door to door.

    FYI, this is false.

    Brooklyn doesn't give a flying fig about individual JWs.

    Individual records are kept at the congregation level only. The only thing that gets sent to Brooklyn is a report of total congregation activity.

    That said, the CO, a direct representative of the society, reviews everybody's card every 6 months...but unless there is some unusual circumstance, he probably doesn't spend more than 5 seconds on any one particular individual.

    Also, if you don't keep your hours up selling books they will not allow you to have privledges such as cleaning the bathrooms or mowing the grass at the Kingdom Hall.

    In principle true...but for the specifics mentioned, they'll generally let it slide & let you have the "privilege" of cleaning toilets no matter how many hours you have.

    In general, the crappier the "privilege", the less important your average hours are.

  • logic

    I was in the organization long enough to remember when they kept your stats on a large board for all to see. I forget exactly how it worked, but it was meant to encourage (embarass you) to do more.They must have finally realized the complete stupidity of it all. They should just drop the whole thing anyway as it is complete nonsense. Between the new methods, jws lying on the slips, then those in charge cheating, plus the society probably cheats , the whole thing proves nothing. If they actually changed it to the actual hours they talked to someone it would make alot more sense. That way it would show less hours to gain more converts. The way the society does it , it shows an enormous amount of time to gain the same amount of converts. Of course I don't think they have figured that out.

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