1. evolution 2. it is an organization that creates cruel mean-spirited people, or leads nice people to be cruel and heartless
Your TOP TEN reasons why
by wobble 29 Replies latest jw experiences
They ruin lives. They have so many stupid rules that put walls around people. No fun. Time wasted on field circus. And, they advertise joy which is nowhere to be found.
Many thanks to you all for bothering to reply,sorry oompah to get you steaming mad,lnstaed of your usual cool insanity.
I notice ,and this is not a criticism, that few scriptural arguments are the reason,is this because the WT has most things right(ha ha)?
1. Science vs. The Bible vs. JW Creationism (Guess who won...)
2. Jehovah is cruel, immoral, and mysogynistic.
3. No evidence for anything supernatural. Ever.
4. "Jehovah's Happy People" arn't very happy.
5. JWs as individuals are just like everyone else - yet, everyone else must die. (This is the one thing would make them happy.)
6. False prophecies and their denial of them.
7. No evidence of the Org. being led by God's spirit.
8. Cultic mind control methods: 5 repetitous meetings per week, hundreds of pages of reading each month, no consulting "outside" information.
9. Needless deaths of members because of bad Org. policy.
10. The crushing of individuality, independant thinking, reason, compassion, and other positive personality traits.
There's more... but that's the first 10 that came to mind.
OK, 3. The bible is clearly a collection of ancient myths cobbled together in a nearly random order by early christian leaders. There is nothing "true" about it. Just historical mythology.
Guilty by disassociating yourself. The more you stop going to meetings the more your not out in field servce the more your frowned upon! your looked upon like a weak brother.
I remeber when i first learned the truth 20 years ago and started studying i moved into a small apartment behind a house of one of the annointed.I was 18 and did construction at that time and worked by myself went to the meettings by myself and nobody invited me anywhere and i had stopped visiting my old friends and was never so miserable and depressed in my life!
I think being a Jehovahs Witness and Depression go hand in hand i never met so many people on Anti depressants no wonder i never associated with many!
Notice they preach against drugs but they all seem to be on em!
There's my rant
I only needed one reason: they lied
they lied about the NWT
they lied about 1914
they lied about 1975
they lied, they lied, they lied!
Do I sound bitter? -
Well for starters it was all a lie. From Adam to Armageddon.
That leads to it is pretty much a bucket of hypocrites.
Thus bringing about a mess of personalities I do not do well around.
The harm done to so many people her and everywhere they are.
The capping on the human growth potential. (you know tonight I played chess and I realized how much I suck at it. Then I sat and wondered why...Oh yeah, it was banned from JW's where I am from. War you know. Nothing like logical reasoning or critical thinking or the strategy skills or anything else useful from the game. Just could not play because it was war. WTF?)
I said lies right. I hate liars. They mess my whole day up. Then one day becomes years and well. I don't deal well with lies.
The moral sickness bred into people of that "flock". People afraid to accept and be who they are. That is all except for the perverts who see a group of such naive people and take advantage of the young and older even. Heck just because ones look older even, does not mean they have any of lifes knowledge or lessons in that religion. A very trusting environment that makes it hell for the abused ones.
Blindfolds. I cannot stand the blindfolds and self righteous attitudes.
The capped lives that remain not lived due to the constraints of the whole mess. Imagine what some of those fine people could be. I saw so many pass up things that would help them be amazing.
And the lives that are lived even if in a hell on earth due to all the burdens put upon peoples backs. The conditions some have in their lives just so the whitewashing can remain. Keep the image and keep it all clean looking. It is just a masquerade. A show for the blind.
Anyhow, that narrows it to ten. I understand some people need it in their lives, I just weep for them. I would wish so much better for many I miss.
No person or group can have a monopoly on "truth". The fact that the JW's claim to have that monopoly is arrogant.
Their enforcement of loyalty to their brand of "truth" with threats of social isolation for anyone who questions them reveals that their teachings cannot stand up under scrutiny.
well thank you Redredrose......so much.....for simplifying things...........ya......................they lied over and over...........i like that so much..........oompa
i actually would love to see a list of everthing they printed that was a total proven lie.............is there one?