So now that I've read as much as I could in the last 2 months and made my decision that this isn't the organization I thought it was, I'm scared, terrified, and feel helpless in some ways. My mom is a devout JW, a pioneer, her husband of the 'anointed', and they are VERY 'spiritually strong'. I'm wanting to compile a mini book to send to her with all the reasons and proof from WT books and magazines with quotes and stuff. At that time I'm going to tell her how much I love her and in conclusion that I don't want to be a JW anymore.
Is there any suggestions, particular articles, or things I should be careful of when writing to her? This is going to be a book I tell ya, but my point of doing it is so that she at least UNDERSTANDS where I'm coming from and why I dont want to anymore. Do you think it will work? I know she wont leave, but I want her to at least talk to me, and I'm assuming this letter will be an automatic DA. I have an aunt and uncle as well that I want to send the same copy you think this is a good idea?
Anyone have luck with confronting JW relatives on this?
I'm so lost finding out all this, but my mom means the world to me, and she is a mess that I'm probably not coming back. (I've hinted that I dont beleive it anymore) and she just says its a shame I let Satan in my heart....
Any suggestions?
Wanting to talk to my mom
by lostsheep82 27 Replies latest jw experiences
Best of luck with however it goes. I'm not too good on giving specifics as to what to bring up. All I can say is that for me it was definitely the best thing I did in discussing my non-belief with my parents.
I was fully prepared to discuss with them lots of things but they didn't really want to discuss anything. They did listen though to be fair to them. It may be different in written form as opposed to face to face discussing.
Here's my experience
Everybody's circumstances are different of course.
Thomas Covenant
First suggestion is to make sure you've got yourself 100% figured out. After that you can concern yourself with the opinions of others.
Keep in mind, that while you may write out all your reasoning, this is just going to give them something to analyze and potentially justify their belief that your wrong. So if you write something to them, be prepared for it to have any number of effects, from very good to very bad.
I personally don't try to debate with JW's on doctrine, that is where they shine. I usually like to debate with them on moral issues. Concepts of kindness and goodness that aren't being shown by the "organization".
Eyes Open
If you want to get a JW to think, I think it's best to approach them for "help" so that you can ask questions as if you're looking for answers without letting them know that you think it's a load of bull. If you present evidence, you'll probably be just another apostate/misled one.
At least that's what I wish I'd done with my family. -
I read your post Thomas. Brave and I hope my ending is decent and civil. I just want them to understand that from suposed 'truths and words from God' that came to be untrue, false, and deceiving that I cannot follow or beleive what the WT writes or says. I still beleive in God, just want to be civil and be able to talk to them. She is soooooo devout!
i used the drip drip tactic. i told her lots of litlle things to soften her up to the real truth. i allso thought of the things that she was most mad at and used them as a way to show her why the jws are wrong.
say shes mad at unspiritual elders. show her how they are selected wrongly. and DO NOT hit her with things that destroy cherished notions, ie blood doctrine. if you start on the small things over months, youll fair better.
Before you do anything, please read Steven Hassan's Combatting Cult Mind Control. What I've learned from reading it so far is that every instinct you may have in communicating the truth to someone in a cult is WRONG. After reading the book, maybe you could orchestrate a fade and then use some techniques to reason with your mom. I wish I would've had the opportunity to reason with my mom in ways that the book describes, but I was running for my life from an abusive, dangerously mentally ill jw husband when I got the ax.