Hey everybody:
I am in desperate need of advice and I was wondering if any of you could help me out. I'm in a bit of a pickle.
Here's the story:
For the past six or seven months, I've been living with my boyfriend, Phillip. Before I moved in with him, I was living 30 miles away in a small town and was having a very difficult time due to being DFd. I was surrounded by my Dub family members and the constant shunning was more than I could bear. I had fallen into a deep depression and was on the verge of being suicidal.
That's when my wonderful boyfriend, Phil, stepped in. He was very understanding and sympathetic about the situation and offered me a place to live. So I packed all of my things up and moved far from home and since then, things have gotten much, much better. I've been inundated with new opportunities and my whole perspective has taken a 180 degree turn. I feel fantastic.
However, there is only one problem. When Phil and I moved in together, we weren't all that serious. I always kind of new in the back of my head that he probably wouldn't be the one I spent the rest of my life with, and he appeared to feel the same way. But I have strong suspisions that he's getting me an engagment ring for Christmas. I could be wrong, but he accidently leaked some information about my gift and I'm 85% sure it's a ring.
I am panicing right now. I mean, I really care about him, but marriage?? Yikes!!! I'm not sure if I'm ready for that one. What if he does get down on one knee on Christmas day and propose to me? How can I say no to that. Could he really be "the One" if I'm having this many doubts? Does anybody have any suggestions on how to handle this situations? Any advice would be much appreciated.
I will checking my PC later tonight, so it will be a couple of hours before I read your suggestions.