I haven't been to a meeting in over a year, my husband longer, but he came with me to the DC last year to help me with our 4 children ( our youngest was one). That was the last thing either of us have attended. We have a trip planned and come home the wednesday before the DC and he does ont want to go, nor will I force him to. Problem is I also don't want to go, but my parents are stressing me out. I can't go until friday night when he is done with work and can get home, because I will only take the 2 older kids with me if I am going by myself. I am completly torn, Is it better to go and do something I really don't want to do to keep the peace, or just skip it all together. I hope this made sense.
I need advice on the DC
by thebigdebate 15 Replies latest jw friends
You are 30 years old with a family of your own. If you allow your parents to pressure you into attending the assembly against your will, their next step will be to pressure you to start attending meetings again...then field service..then pioneering... and the list goes on and on and on. You don't have to go all apostate on them. Just simply say you aren't going. It is none of their business why you're not going. When pressured, just keep repeating, I'm not going, and I don't want to talk about it." They'll get sick of bugging you eventually.
Jamie's right.
Trying to understand here.....You haven't been to a meeting in over a year, yet you feel pressured to go to a DC? I understand
parental influence when you are young and single, but I really have a difficult time understanding how a thirty-year old with four
children would allow this. Just say "no, and I have my reasons." You might add something like, "Jehovah understands" just for
effect. However, if you are still a believer, perhaps the pressure you are feeling is really not from your parents, but rather your
inner conscience which has been seared by the WTBTS. This would make more sense to me. Another thing....why would you
risk subjecting your older children to this stuff. Not judging....just wondering. A little mature assertiveness is in order, imo. You
will feel much better for it.
Just tell them NO
remind them that your No means NO
That they should understand
Jamie summed it nicely
You are out on your own. You are older than 18. You have a family of your own.
By now, you do not need your parents' trying to coerce you into doing something you do not want to. If they do not like it, so be it. Some parents are always trying to control their children, and that is wrong after they are old enough to be on their own. You live under your own roof, pay all your bills, and take care of matters in your own family.
My advice is to just skip the whole thing. You will be wasting your time if you go, and there is a risk of the hounders hounding you to start going to all the boasting sessions and in field circus. And it would encourage the parents to continue hounding you as well. If you skip it, they will see that they are wasting their time trying to hound you to go. And it won't be too long before they will get tired of wasting their time (which they are supposed to be spending out in field circus anyways) hounding you.
I agree w/ the above posters. You can simply say you won't be going this year and you owe no explanation. My mom asked me the same question and I was like No -i won't be going - btw how's the plans for such and such going... just simply changed the subject. Going will add to your stress level and you will be miserable for 3 days - I'd rather feel uncomfortable for 30 seconds talking to my mom about it than the alternative.
You need a good reason to say No- and a good reason will get you in trouble- so say you plan on going and then get sick at the last minute- nobody wants to go to an assembly when they will spend most of it in the bathroom. Just get sick all the time- I've know plenty of JW's who dodged talks and assemblies that way- after awhile everyone will quit bothering you about it.
Oh I am in the same boat....!!!!!! And I totally understand....mine is this weekend and the pressure is on fire!
So far I was already committed to the pool party .......but I have a plan for faking if I cave and go...
Since yall just came back from a trip.....couch, wheez, diarrhea.....this way no one can come...
At least it can get hubby and kids out of the DC but if you are feeling like you have to go to 'keep the peace'.....Here is my plan B:
I received some of the DC on MP3, tonight I will bore myself to sleep and listen to them while make out stellar notes.
I would go but arrange for a 'emergency' phone call' that requires me be outside and then just leave. If that is too dramatic I would opt for claiming a extended 'situation that required repeat calls. Since I didn't want to disturb the fine spiritual feast, I took a seat near the door but was still able to takes some NOTES...
My little notebook is proof that I heard the talks or how else could I have made such accurate and fine notations!
By Saturday's Lunch, you can excuse yourself and say you really just have to go.
The only thing with my parents is, if I don't go, my mom will sky rocket into depression, I have had 3 phone calls today about it. And then my dad will completly blame me. She backed off about meetings and such a long time ago. I don't know, I just want to scream. It's so aggrevating. I'm completly torn. Why they want me to go with all 4 of my tattoos to show off and all I have no idea. CRAZY !