Sorry double post.
How do they know they are of the anointed?
by tak 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Not Feeling It
It hurts when they pee.
There was a recent thread about this, but the answer boils down to this: A JW becomes "anointed' because he says he is.
There is no official procedure for this. If you partake of the emblems, you are counted as "anointed." It doesn't really matter because the so-called anointed don't have any power. The power is with the governing body and whomever they appoint to positions of responsibility in Brooklyn. If being of the anointed conferred any authority within the religious organization, you'd see more scrutiny devoted to whether these anointed are genuine or not. So, if Joe Blow publisher got baptized a month ago and claims to be anointed, what's the big deal? The congregation will criticize him behind his back, but that's about it. Joe Blow doesn't instantly become an elder or any such thing.
Their faces melt at Baptism.
I've heard some jw's say that it's as apparent to them as knowing whether you are boy or girl .The WTBTS does state the partakers are not all anointed but there could be mental illness involved with some. Maybe they laid off that stance since the whole generation dogma is being recanted .
I had a long conversation with my very first 'anointed" person back in 1960. I had just become a regular Kingdom hall atendee and was studying with my best friend. Her nickname was "Boots". She had been a faithful JW for many years and was responsible for bringing my best friend's family into the, uh-hem, "truth".
I popped the big question of "how" she "knew" and she thought about it like nobody had ever asked before!
"How does a person know anything?" She began somewhat cryptically.
"I like purple; it is my favorite color. How do I know that for sure?" She smiled inwardly.
"When I was 16 and saw my husband for the first time (he was 25) I knew he was the one. How did I know that?" She mused silently and I sat quiet as a mouse.
"I like standing outside when it rains. I like to feel the fresh water hitting me on the face and smell the way the dirt changes from dust to mud. Why do I love that and most everybody else runs inside and slams the door?" She gave me a perky look directly into my eyes. Then, she added, "Nothing mysterious about it. I've been away from home for a long time and I want to return there. Except, I've never been to heaven before--but--that's about how I feel about it." And that was the end of what she was going to say.
I thought about her words. I still do.
I think what she was saying was simple enough.
Of the two choices: earth or heaven, she preferred heaven. Like answering the waitress when she asks, "Soup or salad?"
HappyDad is at a loss with this one. But I have to say that Terry put it better than any explanation I've heard since the 1960's.
Terry, you are finally making me think for a change.
HappyDad -
HappyDad is at a loss with this one. But I have to say that Terry put it better than any explanation I've heard since the 1960's.
Terry, you are finally making me think for a change.Uh, oh! Sounds dangerous!
Terry I would walk away from that girl thinking she was nuts ,I'll be there's at least a 2-1 average with men and women and wome being the higher . They are more emotional than men and more likely to say things like they feel close to God , I think the big thins is if they can prophesy since that is the scripture used in old and new to describe the male and female slaves . The men are also supposed to have visions and old men would dream some sort of dreams that could be interpreted ,I'm guessing. One of the memorials I attended they made the "anointed" out to be the ultimate drones of the WTBTS by following all the teachings and being zealous in the preaching work even if disabled .You gotta ask today then , why all the replacements? hmmmmmmmmm
Is the replacement doctrine still current? I thought I heard that there was New Lightâ„¢ on that, but I don't know what it was supposed to be and I could just be confused because they've changed so much of that stuff since I left.
FWIW, the anointed are almost always white. I had close friends in the Spanish congregation at my Hall, and was told that it is extremely unusual for a Latino to profess anointment. I think Ray Franz says something similar in CoC.