I was told by my former book-study conductor recently that a new 'dress code' had been handed down by the WTS, because people had been 'getting too casual' with their styles of clothing. One item he mentioed was a new rule for women prohibiting denim skirts. And, when a woman wore a denim JACKET, she was also told this was not appropriate for the KH. Does anyone have more details about this revised dress code?
by navytownroger 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This is about that bizarre tract telling people how they should dress when visiting their conclave. Denim is now verboten.
Yes it comes from the 'Visit Bethel Grooming Brochure".....
Here is karvel's thread...
Just what the heck is wrong with denim? Dam site more attractive than spun glass the dubs wear from door to door! carmel
PDF of brochure.....just in case you are making that trip for summer vaca...
I had missed that post with the brochure....what a hoot!!!!!
Typical of this high control religion come bookseller.......
Open mind
I heard through the local JW gossip mill that the CO was on an anti-denim tyrade during a recent visit to a nearby congo. Supposedly he brought up the topic at a meeting for field service.
CO: "So how should we lovingly handle the situation if a sister shows up for Field Service wearing denim? Well, privately, a sister could kindly let her know that denim really isn't appropriate for our Christian ministry. Then you could offer to take her home so she could quickly change into something else."
*fake smile*
I wasn't there, but this is the gist of what he allegedly said.
If memory serves me correct......didn't the COs get banned from denim back in 2006?
They should have their own show on TLC: What not to wear, think, say or do as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I bet it would be a hit, but not for the reasons they'd like, lol.
When my wife first went to a KH she wore a pantsuit......and acquired her first skirt within the next week.
I now understand why.