I used to like the written review ... absolute quiet and no talking.
Written Review
by Mysterious 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Must have been before my time, 1960's.
*** w65 3/15 p. 189 Too Old, Too Young, Too Weak, Too Strong? ***"Not really examinations; we call them Written Reviews because everyone grades his own paper and no record of grades is kept.
My mom always called the written review "detention"! LOL
When I was a child in the cong, 1955 and on, the tests were graded by the school servant and the publishers name was announced with each of their scores.
I didn't mind them so much because I could do them quickly, the questions were easy and it meant I didn't have to pay attention to someone talking. But at least when I was young it was a real test. They would hand out the examination paper at the start of the meeting and that would be the first time you saw it.
But then they changed things so you got the test in advance and it became another thing you had to pre-study. That also ramped up the boredom level a notch. You knew the questions, you knew the answers. Getting less than 100% just meant you hadn't prestudied.
Like most things in the Wacky Watchtower World, it's become an exercise in sheer pointlessness.
Wordly Andre
I also forgot about that last time I went to one I must have been 12, holy shit I remember that stupid thing and that cheap ass paper and people used pencils and would change answers so you get 100%
Holy sh*t!! I had completely forgotten about that!
Absolutely hilarious...
What a bunch of buffoons!
Back in the 1950s when I was a kid they used to collect all the review papers when time was called. The school conductor would grade them and then hand them back to the JWs at next week's TM School. He would then mention which question most got wrong and what the highest score was. Don't remember if he would announce who scored the highest on the Review. However, I remember once he announced that the highest score was 100%. That was my mom who answered every question correctly that time. That made her day. My best score was 75%, which wasn't too bad for an 11 year old. However, after a few years they changed the policy and let everyone correct their own papers and no grades were announced after that. They also dumbed down the Review. For me it made the Review less fun.
Back in the 1950s when I was a kid they used to collect all the review papers when time was called. The school conductor would grade them and then hand them back to the JWs at next week's TM School
My Dad was the TMS conductor back in the 1950's and I remember all the time he spent grading papers. I seem to remember that a lot of questions were worth 4% or possibly 5%. You could receive part credit for partially correct answers. They then had a true,false section to bring up the total to 100%. I think it must have been a time consuming nightmare for most conductors. He marked with a red pen and each question was given a check mark or x if wrong. Your final percentage was marked at the top of the paper next to your name and handed back to you.