Back to reality:
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Edmund Burke
by expatbrit 24 Replies latest jw friends
Back to reality:
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Edmund Burke
hey expat! not all guitar playing jws suck. my dad and two brothers rock! they have their own recording studio and i think my youngest bro (who is 16) is really going to go far in the music industry. he already records his band at home and has a job doing sound for the high school. and he's talking about going to school for music production. and the best thing is since my dad's a music guy, he is encouraging my bro to follow his dreams! thank god the jws haven't taken the love of music away from them. but i see the point of your post and agree, i hate posers
ps. musicians are hotties and they get laid often. i hang out with some band types, the girls that flock around them! hahaha
Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley
Great post, Makena. And you sing pretty good too. "Music of the Night". Awesome.
Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
Hey TR, I believe your "signature" affixed right smack dab at the bottom of that picture of you *trying* to play the Gitter is right smack dab on the money. So, when are ya gonna start doing sumpin, and stop the "nothing" that you're shown there doing?
who used to be able to play "Charade" on his Gitter,
just like Chet Atkins showed him (out of a tabulature song book).
Daniel 11:35 ... a prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.
If you've just gotta learn "three chords" on the Gitter, then here's a page that was designed precisely with you in mind.
Daniel 11:35 ... a prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.
ok.. just a bit of trivia when it comes to guitar playing:
Jimmy Hendrix was asked by a magazine writer "How does it feel to be the greatest guitar player in the world?". His answer was, "I don't know, why dont you ask _______?"
Okay.. the name I left out, guess who he stated.
One hint, he was a well known Christian.
will post answer tomorrow.
"Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/ Dogma
I think one of the worst things faced by a musical JW is the agonies of choice regarding what songs are suitable. That tends to limit things, just a HUGE bit, as depending on how brainwashed they are not only is lyrical content important, but the percieved image of the band or artist. Bland is what noramlly results, although there are exceptions.
As for why they do it; it's a desperate attempt at being cool. Being a JW is the least cool thing in the world, playing guitar compensates.
I sing and play and write, but write and sing far better than I play... honest... people think you're being modest if you say you can play the guitar a bit, with me, it is true!
I can testify that sometimes, you do get laid just because you're (vaugely) musical. It's only happened three times; you look up whilst you're singing, round at some friend's house or something, and find a girl looking at you the way guys often look at girls; pupils the size of dinner plates, like you're a piece of meat and they've not eaten for a while, and you just KNOW.
AH! Happy memories!
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...
In our former congregation, we had some VERY talented guitar players, who could easily play like Eric Clapton.......Glenn Campbell, etc. And they could also sing really well. At our congregation picnics and get togethers, they would play, at everyone's begging, and take requests too. Usually one of the elderly sisters would ask if they knew any Kingdom songs, and they would all grin at each other, and right on cue, prearranged, start playing "May the Circle be Unbroken" or "Amazing Grace". It was really funny, and no one was offended.
So, my point is, not all guitar players were struggling with chords. Some were really good. One of them, is now out of the Borg, like us, and plays professionally all over the place. He is in great demand at Luaus and weddings in the Hawaiian community, because he is also a great slack-key guitarist. We go to the traveling Hawaiian masters shows, with him, when they come to Seattle, and all the great artists know him, and his talent, and greet him by name. That's fun. Last year we took my Dad with us, thinking we could buy a ticket for him when we got there, not realizing it was sold out. Our friend told one of the performers about it, and he took Dad in to the show, through the stage, and had him sit with us, in reserved seats.
Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)
I'm from Hawaii. Can you tell me who your friend is? I love Hawaiian slack key. Makes me homesick though.
He is Norwegian, and his name is Kory. Shouldn't post his last name. He isn't well known by people, not in the Seattle area.
Through Kory, we have met Leward Kaapana, Keola Beamer and his wife, George Kahanamoku, and his son (also George), and Raymond Kane and his wife, Elodia.
Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)