Unless things have changed radically, the reassignment as Special Pioneers does little to ease the financial burden either.
I don't know what the stipend amount is now - but I knew of a Special Pioneer couple 'assigned' to a poor area of Kentucky in the 70's and 80's, who in order to survive, had to beg the local grocery manager for permission to collect the food that the store was about to throw into the dumpster. In fact, they and most of the 'brothers' who recounted the story, were quite proud of their inventiveness.
They lived in a run down mobile home, donated I think, by a local brother. They were both SP's, so they got two checks from the Society. Seems like I heard an amount like $125 per month? Don't quote that figure though.
I hope no one is deceived into believing that getting a SP check is a suitable means of survival. It isn't. I don't think they had any health coverage. I am sure that they also obtained whatever welfare they qualified for under the state guidelines. I knew of a couple in our congregation that went and visited them from time to time and provided some financial assistance also.
Someone called it a 'gravy train' - Don't think so. They are likely eating Gravy Train though.