Wal-Mart encourages (demands?) non-Democratic stance from mgmt.
by Octarine Prince 29 Replies latest social current
Lady Zombie
Preemptive union busting.
Wal-Mart, I hate WM. Everything that is wrong with the US can be summed up with the word(s) WAL-MART. Corporate greed, capitalism at its worst, and complete disregard for the people that work for it.
F*#%K WM.
Octarine Prince
I can't believe such a great thing as Sam's Club is the progeny of WalMart.
I hate Wal-Mart and would never shop there.
I've worked for several companies that tried very hard to influence the political leanings of their employees. I've told more than one employer that my political leanings are not for sale.
I don't shop at Wal-Mart either but they stand to lose more in the election since they've made a more solid attempt to create solutions the government has not been able to provide for its own people
- Create jobs in small communities.
- Provide affordable (even domestic partner) benfits and healthcare.
- Implement a logistics system that enabled its frieght infrastructure to distribute food and help to victims of hurricane Katrina.
I know that each one of these points can be debtated and that Wal Mart has its own share of sins like crushing the competition with the smaller mom and pop stores and building stores on ancient burial grounds and near historical sites. Not to mention its importing of Chinese goods but it helps to see why they're directly involved with politics since they do make a profit on furnishing a public service.
- Preston
Preston makes a point - it is not like the Democratic trade unions never try to influence politics themselves.
However, I am going to let out some of my anti-WalMart sentiments here for sure. What gives me the creeps about this organization is the quasi-religious nature of their corporate culture.
I guess you just have to have been to Bentonville for a few weeks to understand it. Friday Pep Rally - YAH.YAH.YAH.WALLLLLMAAART!!!
It may be that only a disgusted ex-JW could see this cult mentality for what it really is.
I will give one little example - the "think day". If you piss off your manager, you can be given a non-paid day to just go home and "think" about how much WalMart has done for you, and how much you miss being in their borg, and how you and you alone have lost that days pay.
It may be that only a disgusted ex-JW could see this cult mentality for what it really is.
Corporate Culture.
Conform. I get some of that in my job too.
The only reason they are now providing any kind of semi-decent benefits for their employees, is because they have received so much pressure from so many sources.
Didn't a couple of states sue Wal-Mart because their employees all had their kids on medicaid? Or they tried to pass an extra tax on Wal-mart to pay for all the social services their employees qualified for.