All was going well......I had prepared some pages for my KHs kids regarding 4 'forces' and they got a nice little science lesson. They spent morning filling in the blanks, wordfinds, connect the dots and coloring pages. Parents of course were scribbling away at their notebooks.
Fast forward to the afternoon......Young People presentations....
Well instead of bobble head bobbing in a sea of unison......there was a quiet but audible snickering going on that continued throughout the entire my section.
Turns out the generation that was the test subjects of the YPA V1 ( I was 17), thought it was all so funny and badly scripted. No one found the presentation relevent to their families. I lost count of the BS sneezes that began to seize the section......some of which echoed a bit....... 30ish men playing 'paper football' down the aisle.....
Several families (enough to cause heads turning from other sections across the meeting hall) got up at the start of the "In the Congregation Talk" turns out they had pre planned to split at the anti college rhetoric.
When the speaker mentioned 'living a double life" the looks and eye rolling began to go full tilt. It wasn't long before stories of our youth were being discussed in hushed tones, exploits that were over the heads of most children sitting next to these adults turned defiant teenagers again. Turns out most of us are all still living double lives. Most were their to pacify parents, most were married to non believers. When the speaker got to the words internet pornography other mothers were quick to gather their kids, disgusted looks on their face for such a topic being thrusted on them unexpectedly.......
I am so glad those clueless childless (save Morris) old men have mangaged to drive a further wedge between this generation and blind loyalty to this corporation.
All in all it is so reassuring that my generation isn't buying this wagon of Bull.