I just watched the end of the last season of Dr. Who - man that was depressing. Besides being mostly really loud and full of explosions. I still like the first season Dr. Who best, the one with Rose Tyler.
Dr. Who
by Hortensia 12 Replies latest social entertainment
I agree...."Journey's End" was for me a big let-down after the big build-up and brilliant run of episodes before it. It could have been written much, much better. In fact, I read an interesting theory that the episode was originally written differently but changed when David Tennant renewed his contract. I have to admit that the episode would have been vastly superior if it had run like this: http://markgoodacre.blogspot.com/2008/07/how-would-journeys-end-have-looked-if.html. I would miss David Tennant, but it would have been a great end to his run as the Doctor.
Series 2 is still my favorite. Although this past series could have come awfully close, as I completely LOVED Donna as the companion and I will miss Catherine Tate very much.
I prefer Tom Baker, hands down. I liked Adrik and the actress who was also his wife in real life.
yeah, it didn't have to end the way it did. How come Donna Noble didn't end up with a Dr. Who copy like Rose. And how come Rose was OK being foisted off with a copy of the real thing. Just because they are changing actresses, I suppose. I didn't like Donna Noble at first, but I came to like her by the end.
still like the first season Dr. Who best, the one with Rose Tyler.
My favorite, too. I wanted Rose to come back permanently, she was the best side-kick, then Martha. Donna was put in place to get the middle-aged women audience, I couldn't stand her! David Tennant is adorable though so that doesn't hurt.
Yes, it was a total plonker! What happened?! Did the writers hit a block or what? Seriously, it was too neatly cut and dry. I felt that Rose should have had the true Doctor, after all if you fall in love, like that no knock off will fill the void! It would have been a passionate reunion instead of a luke warm pat on the back.
I was very disappointed, but I see a tendency with these shows like Torchwood, and Dr. Who to give easy explainations, and escape clauses. Almost too trite. Where is the fire and passion, cough it up!
I LOVE the Doc. I wasn't that impressed by Journey's end the first time I watched it but after catching the repeat I really got into it. Loved the acting and Donna was brilliant. It was just so sad anad poignant at the end when she had saved the universe but daren't be told how great she was. At least Rose got to keep her Doc
Fabulous! Loved the way Martha smiled at the camera when the earth was being towed. And I loved Donna's grandad. I want one like that!
So now we can work out who's gonna be the new Torchwood recruits can't we? Mickey and Martha.
Can't wait for the xmas special
the new Torchwood recruits can't we? Mickey and Martha
Yep. I didn't realize that show was still on. I tried to watch it, and even lasted a few episodes, but it was absolutely horrible!!
So now we can work out who's gonna be the new Torchwood recruits can't we? Mickey and Martha.
Freema Agyeman who plays Martha Jones has defected to the other side and is doing another show for them. The producers for Torchwood are said to be furious
I tried to watch it, and even lasted a few episodes, but it was absolutely horrible!!
Series 1 of Torchwood was indeed awful, with only one really, really good episode ("Small Worlds") imo, while the rest were either okay ("Out of Time", "Captain Jack Harkness"), bad ("They Keep Killing Suzie", "End of Days"), or screamingly piss-poor ("Cyberwoman"). I found Series 2 to be the mirror opposite; in general I loved it. I felt there was only one awful episode ("Dead Man Walking"), a couple mediocre ones ("Meat", "Exit Wounds"), and the rest were either quite good ("Sleeper", "Adam", "A Day in the Death", "In From the Rain", "Adrift") or excellent ("Kiss Kiss Bang Bang", "Reset", "Something Borrowed", "Fragments"). The writing matured quite a lot and I liked the characters a lot more; the everpresent incompetance in Series 1 was gone. The team was more of a ... team. And the stories were quite good.
Freema Agyeman who plays Martha Jones has defected to the other side and is doing another show for them. The producers for Torchwood are said to be furious
As much as I loved Series 2, I have to say that I don't blame her. They treated her pretty badly last series; in 2 of her 3 guest episodes, she was barely in them -- the focus was all on Owen. A real wasted opportunity....they hardly gave her anything to do.