A close relative recently called me verbatim, "a bad, bad, bad apostate and a sinner against the Holy Spirit" .
The apostate remark didn't bother me, actually it's a compliment when you think about it.
Saying I was a "sinner against the Holy Spirit" that did bother me.
This got me to wondering about all the names, accusations and labels given to people who don't want to be a JW anymore.
Doing a quick search in the Insight books I came up with a list.
apostates pg.126, antichrist pg.116, man of lawlessnes pg. 310, resurrection - sinning against the Holy Spirit pg. 792.
These are the names, labels and accusations (in just those articles) you will lovingly receive if you stop attending your friendly neighborhood kingdom hall.
I'm sure there's more.
antichrist you are the antichrist (part of the composite)........ didn't know this
man of lawlessnes you are the man of lawlessnes (part of the composite)
son of destruction you are the son of destruction (part of the composite)
satan you are a satan (someone who is set against God and therefore is a satan).....didn't know this
lawless men
oppresive wolves
wolf like men
false teachers
false prophets
back sliders
immitation christians
wicked opposers of God
wicked class of persons
sons of the wicked one
misled by demons
sinners against the Holy Spirit
those having their consciences seared
men who speak lies
sect creaters
fallen away from the truth
not accepting the love of the truth
pleasure seekers
field of thorns and thistles
If you're thinking of becoming a JW,
these are some of the labels you will receive if you ever decide to not be one.
btw I'm not even disfellowshipped. I simply stopped practicing being a JW.