Does anyone remember being a little kid and being forced to sit through those 2 hour meetings?
Specifically being made to listen to graphic accounts of whatever country that was going through horrific persecution. (Or any other horrors you might remember)
I remember being a little girl and wondering how I could be faithful if I was persecuted. I was probably around 7 or 8 yrs old. I remember sitting in my nightly bath and wondering what I would do if some bad person turned on the hot water on my bare feet. That was the worse my young mind could imagine at the time that persecution could be.
I also remember being told that I was at the age of accountablility(another JW catch phrase) because I misbehaved during the Memorial. I was maybe 8 or so then too. I was told that I could be destroyed at Armageddon for that.(yeah for being a little girl and giggling with my little friends). I remember praying hysterically that night.
And it goes on and I write this so many other memories come to the surface.
And I had it easy compared to some.