Here is how I would like to get DF'd. During the service meeting of cource the announcement would be made. I would like to walk in the meeting during the song (preferably..."Then They Will Know") leading up to the the announcements and walk to my seat in the front of the Kingdom Hall dressed as Darth Vader. Your takes on this.
Suggestions on how to properly get disfellowshiped
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 20 Replies latest jw friends
Smoke a cigar while you're doing it. :)
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Ya, I like the cigar part too! Smoke a cigar and blow rings with the smoke.
And pass out free smurf dolls and flyers for a midnight performance of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" from your bookbag.
Easiest way? Hold all the Brothers hostage while make them watch an Anti-JW, Apostate DVD thingy. If your allowed back into the fold i'd be suprised.
If you really want to be disfellowshipped why not just disassociate and turn in a letter? The results are exactly the same and the congregation doesn't even know whether you got DA'd or DFed anyway.
you want to go out with a bang, have some fun, and show your contempt for their rules at the same time! Yes, go for it. Have a friend with a hidden camera tape the whole thing. Of course, you know how often things don't turn out as you planned. You could wind up in jail if you push it too far! However, that said, I have fantasies of going to a KH in a short tight dress with wrinkly cleavage showing. Sitting in the back in a corner, holding a long conversation on the cell phone in a theatrical whisper, about how boring the whole thing is. Just a fantasy, what do they call it? Ideation? Not going to go to the effort.
LOL Hortensia...I am SO tempted to attend the KH down the road from me dressed like a common whore. Since they don't know me or that I'm DFed I could play off the whole "I was just looking for some religion" thing...all the while having a blast giving them a run for their "moral" money. hehehe I have a video camera...I could probably buy a cheap purse, cut a small hole in it, and video all the reactions! That sounds SO fun right about now...
I can assure you they don't like Darth vader.
Suitcocking through a meeting might work.