I love whoopie cushions. I think they are funny. Actually, I remember my very first toy being one. I have a self inflating one, an electronic one, and a manually inflatable one. I moisten the end with water for full juicy effect.
Share something Odd about yourself
by KW13 41 Replies latest jw friends
LOL Ohio! My kids would love you! They think burping the alaphabet and farting in unison is the funniest thing ever.
'They think burping the alaphabet and farting in unison is the funniest thing ever.'
Aren't your kids girls?
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(Mr.) flipper:
I have skin between my middle toes on each foot. So my middle toes on each foot are webbed ! That's why they call me Mr. Flipper !
Oh, I thought that was because you had appropriated your wife's username; or does she have webbed toes too?
i spend an inordinate amount of time on xjw boards even tho I dont give shat about what JWs do.
So my middle toes on each foot are webbed
Children of thalidomide
Aren't your kids girls?
Yes, one armed bandit, they are.
Just makes me wonder, sweetstuff, were you always sweet, even when you were a little girl?
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New light for you
I LOVE someone tickleing the bottoms of my feet.....aaaaahhhhh....
I always say if i get rich, i'll hire a personal tickler... all over is just as good, LOVE the bottoms of feet though....aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh......
Just makes me wonder, sweetstuff, were you always sweet, even when you were a little girl?
Of course.