Homosexuals are human also...

by zeroday 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • milligal

    I agree, there is no reason to bias anyone. Just because I choose to live a given lifestyle does not make it the only right one.

    I have promoted gay rights in the military setting (not a popular conversation in the US let me tell you) but I have heard stories of homosexual soldiers who served alonside heterosexuals and there was never any problem.....I think gay rights is the next civil revolution waiting to happen....

  • Jringe01
    I no longer feel superior to anyone and accept those for who they are

    I'm glad you feel that way and it's nice to see that many more people are coming around to a similar way of thinking. Only when enough people are willing to do this no matter what a person's language, religion, colour, ethnicity, or gender are will the world really become better

    We have SUCH a long way to go...but there is hope.

  • Gopher

    "Homosexuals are human" -- hopefully we'll get to the point where that goes without saying!

    Right now in America there are anti-homosexual laws on the books in many states, and the issue of the right to marriage was debated in recent presidential campaigns. Somehow people think that the God who created certain people inherently homosexual also condemns them.

    This attitude is similar to what happened to black Americans in the past -- they were viewed as condemned by God (where the Bible says that I do not know), and just a few short decades ago had supposedly "separate but equal" facilities -- be it schools, restaurants, heck even drinking fountains.

    Today some who grudgingly tolerate homosexuality perpetuate the "separate but equal" doctrine for them. Yes, they can have "civil unions" but not the joys and agonies and the human experience of marriage itself.

    This may be controversial, but I don't think it really should be. Any two consenting adults should be granted the right to take a chance on recognition of life's deepest commitment, one adult to another.

    Below I quote Ms. Mildred Loving, a defendant in the 1967 Loving vs. Virginia case where the U.S. Supreme Court struck down state laws against interracial marriage. She made these remarks in a speech delivered June 12, 2007, marking the 40th anniversary of the case.

    "I believe that all Americans, no matter their race, no matter their sex, no matter their sexual orientation, should have that same freedom to marry. Government has no business imposing some people's religious beliefs over others."

  • Devilsnok

    Homosexuals are human also...

    Apart from the Alien ones !

  • Texman55

    Homosexuals are human also...

    Apart from the Alien ones !

    yeah but them alien studs are so HOT! with their zero gravity beds....and when they kick it into warp drive........WOOF!


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yes that was something I also had to rearrange in my thought patterns and it really took awhile to be honest.

    I had a brother that was a couple of years older than myself that finally came out of the closet after being a JW all his life,

    it took him until he was 40, sadly and unfortunately he contacted Aids and he past on about ten years ago.

    Since then I've come to accept the fact that there is indeed another sexuality among mankind that shouldn't be demeaned as a sin or ridden with guilt.

    We have a co-worker at work now that everyone knows he's gay and no one thinks any different of him , he has total acceptance,

    something you probably couldn't say 20 , 30 years ago, how times have changed.

  • steve2

    Accepting other people for who they are shows a maturity of outlook that is lacking in many of our communities, whether "the others" are gay, straight, have different religious or political beliefs or differing ethnic groups. There are countless ways in which people differ from others that, to a greater or lesser degree, all humans could learn to be more accepting of others.

  • changeling

    Now if only you'd renounce the NRA and the Republican party you'd be totally human!

    changeling :)

  • FlyingHighNow

    It's human to be homosexual. Homosexuality is a human thing. And sometimes, it can be a dog thing. I've seen it.

  • holly_golightly

    milligal, I agree, we really are on the cusp of a new "revolution" of sorts for homosexuals. Can't wait!

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