"Homosexuals are human" -- hopefully we'll get to the point where that goes without saying!
Right now in America there are anti-homosexual laws on the books in many states, and the issue of the right to marriage was debated in recent presidential campaigns. Somehow people think that the God who created certain people inherently homosexual also condemns them.
This attitude is similar to what happened to black Americans in the past -- they were viewed as condemned by God (where the Bible says that I do not know), and just a few short decades ago had supposedly "separate but equal" facilities -- be it schools, restaurants, heck even drinking fountains.
Today some who grudgingly tolerate homosexuality perpetuate the "separate but equal" doctrine for them. Yes, they can have "civil unions" but not the joys and agonies and the human experience of marriage itself.
This may be controversial, but I don't think it really should be. Any two consenting adults should be granted the right to take a chance on recognition of life's deepest commitment, one adult to another.
Below I quote Ms. Mildred Loving, a defendant in the 1967 Loving vs. Virginia case where the U.S. Supreme Court struck down state laws against interracial marriage. She made these remarks in a speech delivered June 12, 2007, marking the 40th anniversary of the case.
"I believe that all Americans, no matter their race, no matter their sex, no matter their sexual orientation, should have that same freedom to marry. Government has no business imposing some people's religious beliefs over others."