I remember it as the "Great Disapointment.......It was a date broadcasted during the "service and school" and was to be a moment families should be together when the "Instructions were provided"!........... Realize everyone........ reading.....THIS WAS 1 YEAR AND 56 DAYS AFTER THE JANUARY 1ST 1989 WT WAS IN CIRCULATION. This had to be the "begining of DOOM! I remember Older Brothers and Sisters (60ish) talking about how this was like the "PRINCES of PEACE"when dicussed at the District Conventions of yesteryear. They were wearing their best attire, everything was up beat.....I remember a brother twinkling his EYE at me as though............ THIS WAS IT! And...THEN IT STARTED....The talk began..........people were looking every which direction....as if this were it!! 1minute eclipsed...5 minutes went by 10 minuts had vanished....then the confident crowd started to look at eachother as if to say "WHAT IS GOING ON" and then the remainder of the talk set in.....The Brothers and Sisters of the GENERATION in the 1990's would then get a taste of what it was like to be on planet earth on January 1st 1976......For this talk would be nothing other than a discussion on taxes, Jimmmmmyyyyyyyyyy and the Legal Instrument of the Jehovah's Witnesses! I just remember the DISAPPOINTMENT during the song.........Thank God that I was only 17 years old and was that dumb as a child........................................... Silly Elder....Tricks are for Kids!
Do you remember Febuary 25 1990?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 12 Replies latest jw friends
I remember a brother twinkling his EYE at me as though
delete stupid pedophile commentoh yeah I remember assemblies and 'special announcements'.....that never turned out to be anything special.....such fucking manipulation
Is that what it sounded like.......LOL....Well experiences are just that....but the brother I pictured........He really thought that "this was it"! But you are right.....I can see how it would have sounded to others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember that meeting well. That was when the donation arrangement was instituted. I don't know about you guys but that was great news to me!
I was the Accounts Serpent at the time and let me tell you, doing the congregation account was a nightmare what with having to keep up with literature inventories, monies coming in for literature, how much value in literature the congregation had in stock, etc. Every month you had to fill out and file seven or eight different forms for the account.
After the donation arrangement was established, all I had to do was fill out two forms, one was a running tally of incoming donations vs. outgoing expenses, the other a final tally that was read to the congregation. Those two forms and balancing the congregation checkbook was all there was to doing the account. Whew! What a relief!
So it might have been Ho-Hum to everybody else, but it was a banner day for me!
It was only later that I learned that the donation arrangement was put in place because evangelist Jimmy Swaggart had lost a U.S. Supreme Court case involving making money on the sale of literature and not paying taxes on the profits. This was a case wherein the Watchtower Society filed a Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) brief in support of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. When Swaggart lost the case the Society immediately launched the donation arrangement to avoid paying taxes on literature.
That was when the society began the double dipping. We paid for the literature with our donations and when the public gave us a donation we had to turn it over to the society. They got paid twice for the literature, once from us, then, from the public donations.
*sticky note*
knock knock
As a matter of fact I do. For me there are just dub moments that really stand out and that was one of them - though I couldn't have told you the date!
The elder started off the talk with that gravely serious tone and stern look about him. "We never thought we'd see this day but here it is" he said. The whole spin was that the work was at it's end -again- and this was monumental. Don't we all wish we had the real scoop at that meeting. -
The WT putting the donation policy into action AFTER Jimmy Swaggart was sued was a red flag for me. Isn't that also when they stopped the subscriptions? That along with the UN, made me read CoC and I was free. Of course, I didn't know about all of this for 10 years after it happened.
All those "special announcements" always got everyone excited. They would always turn out to be something mundane. But a special announcement straight from Brooklyn held alot of people's attention. We all expected them to give us a heads up on Armageddon. After all we were God's people and surely he would see to it that we were forewarned.
Remember the "special meeting" they had a few years ago that was like a mini-convention. I remember they had witnesses from all over the Midwest packed into the Pontiac Silverdome oh much shorter notice than usual. Even people from southern Ohio were there. The anticipation was thick enough to cut with a knife.
And then it turned out to be just the annual accounts meeting, the same thing they have every year except that all JWs had to go. There was nothing new, nothing exciting, just the same old boring mundane crap they pull every time. -
I vaguely remember that. There were quite a few of those kinds of things, a bunch of hype for the usual banal crap.