Okay kids, it's time to do it again. PM me if you are a serious manager in the ways of Fantasy Football and want to play. We'll do 10, 12 or 14 teams depending on the rush of managers.
JWD Fantasy Football League - Join now!
by UnConfused 11 Replies latest social physical
Not Feeling It
Cool! FF is too much work for me.
If anyone wants to do a straight-up pick 'em pool for $50 let me know. 1st prize is usually 700... uh... points. Yeah... points.
-- Not Gambling It
Two teams are taken
I'm in! I'm sooooooo in!
No freakin way! Count me in! The whole reason I still go to meetings is for the brothers that I play fantasy football with! I mean besides the fact that my wife wants me to go. I have to warn you though- I've won my share of league championships!
What is this Fantasy Football League you speak of???
What kind of football? Proper football?
Proper as in - 'dear me, that silly Vukovic,... banned from internationals because he touched Mark Shields who is a questionable ref anyway.... silly bugger'.
Would I like to play too? Is it fun? How does it work?
Ok Jimmy, we are forewarned and you have a team - I'll send you details in a PM at some point.
Whit - it's good ole American Football and it's a hoot. -
Im in. When do you plan on having the draft and what time?
I'd love to have a "live draft" in Aug, but it's best after the Pre-Season injuries.
This is the coolest idea ever ! Count me in !