I trained with a Wiccan coven for the traditional year, then I joined it officially and practised with it for about 3 years.
Now I don't think of myself as "Wiccan" because my beliefs have subsequently developed into other areas, but I am Neo-Pagan (a general term for anyone who is part of a pagan belief system).
First point: ALL RELIGIONS ARE MADE UP. and yes, Wicca is a modern faith which has been mashed together from older stuff.
Second point: It doesn't matter that they are "made up" because they reflect the human psyche and the human impressions of the divine. In Wicca and paganism in general, mythology is accepted to be mythology, but it is given value for the messages which the myths convey. Also these myths have an effect on us psychologically and spiritually - hence many pagan groups reenact myths in ritual. Ritual itself is designed to influence a person's psyche.
Third point: Some people find a nature based spirituality feels better for them. They are no more accurate and they don't "know more" than other religions.
Now to clarify: Wicca is not evil and doesn't acknowledge a Satan figure. The dark symbology which is sometimes used by Wiccans simply reflects a BALANCE. Death is seen as natural and is a *part of* spirituality. Samhain ceremonies (halloween time) are very dark in their use of symbols, but you will see the exact opposite at Beltain (may festival) when all symbols are light and beautiful.
Don't forget, Wicca is just one of the neo-pagan religions. Check out www.witchvox.com for information on thousands of pagan paths.