The lengths a closed mind will go to.
by dietequiladie 28 Replies latest jw friends
An outstanding example of writing from a graduate of the Awake university!
They are their own worst enemies, and they're too stupid to realize it.
That is just frightening and wrong in so many ways!
This effort to discredit Diane Wilson, Ray Franz and David Reed is pretty lame. Very few people will pay attention to it, and probably some will even become curious about what these authors write as a result.
It's amazing that she wrote "Why spend your time criticizing other religions?" Isn't that exactly what JW literature spends a lot of time doing? And JW's themselves go right to people's doors in an effort to make them give up their current religion. She should ask herself the question "Why do JW's spend time criticizing other religions?"
The JW's are losing credibility on the Internet. Lame stuff like this entry on Amazon.Com is to be expected.
So you'd like to... Know the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses
A guide by B. Murray "longstemmedlily" (Florida)
›See all 3 products mentioned in this guide belowAwakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape from the Watchtower Society Crisis of Conscience Jehovah's Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape from the Watchtower Society by Diane Wilson
$19.80 Used & New from: $17.49
2 customer discussionsCrisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz
$10.85 Used & New from: $9.82
Jehovah's Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse by David A. Reed
$10.39 Used & New from: $1.50
Do not beleive everything you hear or read. First, find out from the main source. The witnesses have a website, you can find it thru the search engine. Be sure to look for the Official site of Jehovah's Witnesses. Make sure that person you talk to is a witness, if they are not ask them what they think the truth is, and why aren't they talking about their own religion? Most of all do not believe what they say it is nothing but lies. If they really were interested in the truth , they wouldn't be doing such things. They certainly don't have the fruitage of the spirit which includes love and goodness. Why spend your time criticizing another religion?Outright Lies
These books were written by people who USED to be witnesses. For one reason or another they left Jehovah's witnesses. They did so ony because they did not want to adhere to Bible standards They wanted to believe in Pagan holidays , The trinity, they wnated to live with someone without benefit of marriage, do drugs, smoke, or they wanted to stop preaching the good news of the Bible. Basically they wanted things their own way. Not only did they leave or become disfellowshipped, they turned their backs on their faith and starting attacking with lies. If you wanted to know about someone's religion would you go to someone who left that church? No, you would want to know from someone who was in that religion, wouldn't you? Do you ever notice these books never say what the truth is? It's also negative. I know for certain what Jehovah's Witnesses are about I am one. We are not a cult, we live in your neirghborhood, schools,we work with you, and yuo can see us going door to door or on the street. There is no secret to us we are very open, just ask a witness you know or see. We do not believe in anything that does not come from the Bible such as The trinity, hellfire, immortality of the soul, pagan holidays, immorality. -
How did that idiot get to post that crap?
I don't know for sure, but it looks like anyone with an Amazon.Com account can post a "guide".
Funny that only 4 out of 37 rated her review as 'helpful'. Even funnier... there are all sorts of "apostate" books listed on the right side of the page. She's provided a portal to all sorts of really good reading!!
I think she may have shot herself in the foot !!
New light for you
wow. that is scarey. arent you SAD to say you were once in that mindset? whew!!!!!
Makes me want to protest.... but you're right, her being a flagrant idot is proof enough.... it's all "OUTRIGHT LIES" ... yes, of course. amazing . books and books and books and books and books of lies. Amazing how they all have proof, espically COC. the "LIE of ALL LIES" i suppose.
MAYBE the "TRUTH" is a lie..... just suppose.....
compound complex
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,
Adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.
Ralph Waldo Emerson -
Locutus of Borg
I hope she counted her time . . .
I would rather look at independent reviews about the religion. True, they do have their own site. But I could not find the core beliefs just from looking there like I can by looking at any apostate web site.
And no, it is not those apostates that are full of lies. The witlesses are the ones that are lying.