Seen some real "different" threads here lately, out of body experiences, near death experiences, ext. and it got me thinking that we have a lot of people here that have a lot of unusaul skills and talents that arent typically talked about. In light of this, I want to talk to someone that has REAL power to foretell the future. If this is you, and no bullshitters please, please pm me, I have some things I'd like to talk about.
anyone here have psychic ability? no fakers please, need real advice,,
by burningbridges 38 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry to break it to you but all those who claim to have psychic abilities are fakers and bullsh*itters. If you need help, the last people you should consider are the sort of charlatans who say they can predict the future. If you give a little more detail about what your issue is, someone with expertise in a relevant - and real - field may be able to help you.
I knew Funky Derek would say that..................
Sorry to break it to you but all those who claim to have psychic abilities are fakers and bullsh*itters.
And FD knows this for a fact, so shut up!
yea I suppose thats true, advice would probably be better!!!! OK, here goes:
I really want to have another baby right now, but I'm going through a divorce.
The guy I'm with right now is great (been with him eight months ok, stop, don't judge, listen to the whole story!!!) I honestly should have been with HIM the whole time, never my first husband. Erik, my current boyfriend, has been after me since kindergarten, no joke. He propesed to me about three times before I ever married my current husband but I told him no because i got messed up with the witnesses and didnt want to marry "out of the truth" even though he could have cared less. I am his total dream girl, he has based every girl he has ever been with on me. Well he signed up for the Navy and left broken hearted and I married my current husband, a witness. (Erik did come home on leave once and beg me to come back with him once even) Well he never forgot me and I never forgot him.
When things with my hubby and I turned sour I really realized how stupid I was that I turned this awesome guy down just becasue he wasnt a witness. But, now were together, and very happy. I have a daughter thats almost three, and I KNOW for a fact that I want more kids, no doubt about it. I had wanted my kids very close in ago too, i'm already freaking out beacause even if i got pregant NOW it would be almost a four year difference. Erik wants children very badly also. The question is, do we have enough of a foundation to know that we can start OUR family and not have to wait on my divorce? (custody battle, it could take years) if we wait for it to be conventional, marriage first, ext it could honestly be YEARS before we can start ours. But at the same time, are we rushing things only being together for eight months? (with our history, it seems like years in the making and that it has FINALLY come together)
I don't know if I should wait or not, i really don't want to but theres always an uncertainty to things... . we both want it but theres so many outside factors....
I would wait out of fear of how it may effect the outcome of your divorce. Logicaly it may not although if the outcome of your divorce is not one you would want, you might blame it on your actions and choices you made before the divorce was final.
Think ahead.
burningbridges - As you asked.
Keeping a balance mind when you are going through difficult times can be difficult. Allowing your mind and decisions to be influenced by people claiming to have psychic powers can tip that balance.
The future can be what you want it to be. It is not preordained it is yours to choose.
Funky Derek
Can we take that as a no?
i hear ya, common sense says that but my heart says something different
I use divination - sometimes.
I am not a faker or a bullshitter (thanks Derek).
Any type of divination can only provide ADVICE and an INSIGHT into a situation. It is always the person's CHOICE at the end of the day and nothing is ever set in stone.
I believe in the collective unconscious and that using certain types of divinatory methods allow us to tap into our own psyche in such a way that we get insight into what we are making of, and how we are influencing, our own future.
So in your situation, I would say first and foremost don't rely on divination or psychics (that isn't what they are there for), but if you do get psychic advice, always make your own choice after considering the advice and options. Sometimes the advice might just spark a different way of looking at the situation or it might remind you of an outstanding issue which is pertinent.
I've met someone who claimed to be a medium ... although I thought they were probably more of a 'large' myself.
Boom boom! (in Basil Brush voice)