I was promoted to Blackbelt this past weekend...

by Hecklerboy 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hecklerboy

    It was a total surprise. I wasn't supposed to be promoted for another 4 months but my sensie thought I was ready. As we all lined up at the beginning of the belt test I was in front with the other brown belts. There must of been at least 30 other students of varying rank behind me. Then the Grandmaster stepped up and said that he had someone to bring up to blackbelt. I thought it was my friend Rick from another dojo that has been doing cage fighting as well as karate. He's a better fighter than me although he'll never admit it. Next thing I know the Grandmaster calls my name. I looked at my sensie and he was smiling from ear to ear. I step up and was shaking as he quietly explained what it meant to be a Blackbelt in our organization and how I will now be looked up to by my students and the community. Then he had me take off my brownbelt and he tied my blackbelt on me. After that everyone started calling me Sensie Taylor. Which still sounds strange. I think my sensie will have me take over the beginners class while he still teaches the advanced class which I will attend. You are never done learning.

    If anyone out there is considering taking a martial art please give it a try. It's been one of the best things I've ever done for myself.

  • coolhandluke

    Martial arts are highly rewarding. I miss my class. Not been able to find a dojo that I like here since moving from Kansas City. My martial art is Krav Maga. Which do you practice?

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    Way to go.

    Make your sensei proud that he has you as a student.

  • Hecklerboy

    I practice Shotokan Karate with the Ko Sutemi Seiei Kan Organization. We are a very family oriented organization.

  • FadingAway
    I practice Shotokan Karate with the Ko Sutemi Seiei Kan Organization. We are a very family oriented organization.

    Congrats on your black belt! I read a couple of Gichin Funakoshi's books several years ago. I got a lot of insight of him and of Shotokan. I was a 1st degree brown belt in Chinese Kempo, trying to get my body back in shape to get back into MA again.

  • free2think

    Congrats Hecklerboy

    I've always wanted to get into kickboxing, i know it's not the same thing, but i need to get fitter first lol.

  • chrisjoel

    Nice Job!

    Ive been a martial arts fan for yrs and yrs. A famous martial artist once said concerning cage fighting, that "the best fighters are not in the octoagon today. Their found in dojos all across the world." .....

  • Hecklerboy

    My instructor spoke with me last night and want me to take over teaching class. He's going to split the profits with me at first and in about a year or so he is going to turn the dojo over to me. I've always wanted to teach. I love teaching the kids. I get allot of enjoyment see how proud they are when they learn a new kata and show it to their parents. The adult are fun as well. They learn faster and seem to appreciate it more.

    Here's a pic of my instructor (left) and myself

    Here's one of my instructor's instructor and myself


  • DevonMcBride

    Congratulations!!! I know the hard work you put into earning this rank. Next month I will be promoted to Blue Belt. I'm learning Mixed Martial Arts that is heavy on Kenpo.

  • zagor

    Congratulation, remember though your real learning has just started.
    How long have you been practicing karate?

    That is great coolhandluke, Krav Maga is brilliant, it doesn't have official ranking but it should considering quality of performance. I went to several session and was impressed by what they do, some of it similar to Ninjutsu in my opinion though it seems it mixes many different styles and adopt them into a new flawless and down-to-earth forms. Love the way krav maga deal with disarming someone pointing a gun at you, with your bare hands, awesome.

    I'm doing Wing Chun for almost 7 year now and started Ninjutus about 3 years ago.


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