The biggest game I missed was for a Circuit 1985 when Miami played San Francisco in Super Bowl XIX.........My baptism was on 1-7-1989 so It was tough to miss the CA the next day so I missed Cincy beating the Bills and the 49ers beating the Bears to qualify for Super Bowl XXIII.......Do any of you remember when on the final week of the 1982 season I believe the networks did not have broadcasters for the games....Missed those games to for the CA.....If you are a fan of another sport feel free to describe your sports experience!
Football season is here..what is the best game you ever missed for Jehovah
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 16 Replies latest jw friends
No matter how big I was on the so called "truth"... I didn't miss no game for no damn body, and no thing.
How did you pull that off......I had a non-believing dad and it was still hell trying to get out of meetings or asemblies, for the purpose of watching games.
Well, I love the college game, so Saturdays in the afternoon, I was always out in field service until around 12:30PM... games started then...
Sunday, all our meetings started at 10:00PM...I was out by 12:00PM... went straight to someones house or a bar and watched the game...
I don't know why, it's been 18 years since I went to a meeting... but our assemblies were always in the Summer... if they were in the fall, I can't recall them... I'm pretty certain we didn't have fall assemblies, nor winter... but it was 18 years ago, not as many JWs then as now... -
twenty-six days until kick-off for the Tide.
Gotta admit... if the game was that important, it usually won out over the meeting.
So many great memories, starting with Super Bowl XX. This is the first year in a while I'll be too busy to participate in a Fantasy league.
Any Steeler game I could weasel myself into staying home for. The best was one year the playoff game leading up to the Super Bowl was on a circuit assembly day. You should have seen how many people were taking shifts in their cars outside to listen. The last assembly I went to back there, it was actually in the needs of the circuit part that assembly and meeting attendance took a nosedive on Steeler Sundays, dropped by something like 60 some percent, which is about the same amount of passes Big Ben dropped that season.
Do any of you remember the second Super Bowl between Dallas and Buffalo...SB XXVIII We had our CO visit and the meeting started at 1pm pacific time...The SB started at 3:30. So no problem right...nope he goes over 20 minutes...and I remember after like 10 minutes I finally looked back and to my horror....everyone knowing how much of a fan I was, were looking at me. It was kinda funny seeing people seated in front of me looking at me instead of the clock....what a day!!!!! People later said there was a bet that I would walk out before the prayer!
"Do any of you remember the second Super Bowl between Dallas and Buffalo...SB XXVIII"
Not if that was in Atlanta, that's because my friend worked for Budweiser at the time, and we had free beer all weekend at each and every party Bud threw. -
knock knock
starting with super bowl XX ??? Hell, you missed all the good ones! :)
First SB I remember watching was IV. What a disappointment THAT was. I have very hazy recollections of SB III so perhaps I only saw highlights of it. At any rate, those were the days.