I have posted some thoughts on this on earlier threads, but the pesky jws have approached my wife about a bible study again, but my wife has let them know that this time she wants to learn how to read the bible and then after she is able to do that, she may consider some of the other books.
I have a couple of concerns about this, firstly, from what I know, the jws consider reading thier literature on a par with reading the bible, in fact I am pretty sure that they will try to lead her back to the Bible Teach book and let her know that she is in essence getting the same 'food' this way as she would another way.
Secondly, if she decides to study the bible, the questions from readers that has recently come out all but prohibiting independent bible study will most likely come into play. Witnessgirl provided a good course on this, let my wife know that we are going to READ the bible, not STUDY, which could be a loophole (but I doubt if she asks a jw about that they would see a difference, but my stubborn wife may), but I think my wife would say she wants to study, not read......
A pesky jw provided her with her copy of the insight books and she also has the reasoning book, but I want her to actually feel she can read the Bible and take from it what the literature presents in itself, not the slant that any organization or person wants her to take from it, even though if she reads the NWT version (or really any version for that matter) there is already a man provided slant.
I have read some wt quotes about the danger of reading the bible on one's own and how it could make one apostate....and I can see given how it reads when not proof texted, it will bring someone there.
Is there scripture that I could site that shows that the bible is not written for an organization to interpret, but is written for each and every person who wants to read it, and that help texts may be of value, but are not always necessary and definitely not required for ones reading of the bible........